
Regarding riots at the RNC?

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How is it that the peace-loving, pacifist, anti-war folks are the first ones to assault fellow Americans, destroy the property of other Americans, and become violent? If they put this much effort into fighting Al Queda and Muslim extreamist insurgents wouldn't we have won the wars by now?;_ylt=Alup3BryUsaDhbNbce8pVbGs0NUE

By the way... before you try to pawn it off on the GOP, these were ANTI-WAR protestors... not exactly in the McCain camp.




  1. Riots? The conv. is not happening yet. If your bitching about the Hurricane, get off your *** and help. Then, complain.

  2. Sometimes to make an omelet you have to break the eggs.

    And, to get attention of the media, some "violence" may be necessary.

    Not that I approve, because I'm a believer in non-violent demonstrations.

    However, sometimes the police or guards will create a "police riot" too, where they abuse their power.  We've seen this often, both in the Civil Rights Demonstrations of the 1950's and 60's and at the Chicago Democratic Convention of 1968, where there were 20,000 or more peaceful demonstrators.  But the Mayor Daley police pushed them into violence for self-defense.

    How can you equate a few acts of vandalism, and pushing or hitting, to what our soldiers have been going through for 5 years?  Seems like if we can end the Iraq War sooner, it is worth a few flat tires at home.

    The "violent" demonstrations of the 60's, helped Americans learn more about the stupidity of being in Vietnam.

    Unfortunately, G. W. Bush, was never a historian, never participated in Vietnam, and believed he had "mission accomplished" in less than two months.  He knew nothing of insurgency, nor sectarian violence, or how difficult "nation building" can be.

    Putting up with Civil Disobedience is the price we have to pay for living in a democracy, "land of the free, home of the brave."

  3. I am a democrat and don't think our troops should be in Iraq. Having said that, I think the riot by the anti-war protesters is a disgrace. So I would appreciate it if you would not generalize.

  4. There are elements in the police and federal law enforcment that use provocateurs to start things off on a bad note. They have been caught doing this for at least the past 20 yrs.

    Look up the Seattle WTO riots. The cops were caught red handed and it'll be the same thing this time around. $50,000,000.00 to get the security up and running for the you really think their going to go through all that and not bust some heads? 50 million would have gone along way in Minn. to help the poor and impoverished, but **** it, the government just wants to make sure the people stay in line...through FEAR.

    They let their little 'anarchist' punks, who often have undercover cops in the group, do something (throw rocks, break windows, etc.) so the cops have an excuse to start spraying pepper spray, shooting tear gas and beating the h**l out of people. They never seem to get the guys that actually start the problem, but they sure can round up the people who are peaceful and caught in the middle, confused and had NOTHING TO DO with the riot in the first place.

    Besides, were talking about the RNC here man....these people are brainwashed neo-con n**i's, Thats right, I said n**i.....Look up the Presidents grandfather, Prescott Bush, caught in '43 for trading with the n**i's, not exactly the warm and fuzzy types.

    To all of those that believe I'm full of c**p about the cops instigating riots, or anything else I have written here, I suggest after your done talking trash about me, you do a little research of your own, you can write me back later to apologize for being wrong.

    Americans better start paying attention to whats really going on in our own country, or pretty soon our country will be gone. When that happens, these 'riots' are going to look like a day at the county fair and the only person you can blame is yourself. You'll be lining up at the super Wal-Mart to take your shots and board a bus to the nearest internment camp of the governments choosing, just like everyone else who looked the other way and didn't believe people like me who tried to warn you.

  5. Nearly all the anti war anti-America protests are organized and funded by the World Workers Party (the former American Communist Party).

    Go figure.

  6. Glen, you do realize that these troops VOLUNTEER to fight in the war, knowing exactly what they are going into.. Three of my best friends are marines, and they joined for guess what, to fight in the war

  7. Liberalism is a mental disease. Those who have it simply aren't curable except by bullet.  

  8. Have you heard about The republicans sending "Agent Provocateurs"

    to the RNC Convention to try and make the Democrats look bad ??

    I wonder if the protesters are realy republicans ???

  9. The majority of the protesters in St. Paul are peace-loving, pacifist, anti-war folks. And thats what the media doesn't want you to see. There is a small faction within this group that would identify themselves as radical anarchists. These people are easily picked out of the crowd due to their black combat fatigues and gas masks. These are the people you see on the news destroying cars and setting fires. Just remember though, that is only a small number of people. Most of the people protesting just want their voices heard.

  10. that's an excellent way to put it.  On Saturday mornings in my state there are "Grandmas against the war" picketing on the sides of the streets but they are always eager to give you the bird or a good old granny F you.  

  11. The answer my friend has many components.  I was watching an anti-war protest and a male speaker came on.  He was wearing a Chu Guevara TShirt.  Most of these nuts wear this type of stuff.  But Chu was a marxist revolutionary.  Many communist constitutions are routed in marxism.  Marxists believe capitalism is exploitation.  They don't believe in liberty.  They feel that people are entitled...hence the welfare state we now live.

    These people are communist plain and simple.  They hate America, they are embarrassed of America and feel that we cause the worlds problems.  ANTI-WAR people are the same idiots that want strict laws against the treatment of animals but believe its okay to kill a living human being inside of a woman.  They are a deadly plague to the American culture.

  12. It appears the violent protesters identified themselves as anarchists.

    From the article: "many of those involved in the more violent activities identified themselves to reporters as anarchists. These protesters, clad in black, were operating on the streets in addition to a mostly peaceful anti-war march,"  

  13. The protest was supposed to be peaceful.  It was a rogue group that decided to turn to violence.  This was not the intention nor the behavior of most of the protesters present.

  14. If you had actually read the article that you yourself cited, you would have known that the "peace-loving, pacifist, anti-war folks" weren't the ones committing the violence.  

    Read the article again.  Try to understand it this time.

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