
Regarding scam emails offering huge amount of package and asking to pay tiny money for commecing the same:?

by  |  earlier

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I have received one email offering job at africa with huge salary package. The condition is that I am suppose to pay small amount to a lawyer for arranging my visa at the same country.

The terms and condition in the appointment letters are as follows which I feel is fishy:

3 months salary would be paid in advance directly to my account before I embarks journey to assume duty,

All travelling Expenses will be refunded to me,

Accomodation and food on job along with all facilities will be free of cost.

The only thing I have to do is to pay the lawyer USA $ 650 through E - Transfer, directly into his account to arrange my visa.

Can you imagine such a company offering big package and incentives?

Is everything true or some one is fooling me?

5 seconds ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. The idea here is that you will surrender bank details and other personal information which will then be used to fraudulently use your identity, emptying your bank account and running up debts.

    Do not be fooled, this is indeed a scam.  Visit 419eaters to get your own back!

  2. Big scam. There is always somebody out there trying to part you from your money. Ignore.

  3. it just aint true. Ther's not a company in the world that does this.

    Did you go for a job interview?

    Have you spoken to them about a job at all?

    Why don't you pay for the lawyer yourself?

    Because its a scam.

    Apparently I've won over $2,000,000, been selected for a fantastic job, won the lottery, won a PS3 if I call this number (which for some reason costs $15 per minute), been chosen at random to get a free holiday and can take advantage of African tax breaks.


    Again, sorry, but they're all scams.


  5. this is a scam


    If it sounds too good to be true it usually is.

    This is a big scam and there are similar one's being emailed about such as (of course in less words:- Mrs So and so has just dies and left millions of pounds (dollars) in her will. She has no family for it to go to.

    The person is then told that if they give them money to help with the transaction or something then they will end up inheriting the fortune of the dead person.

    NEVER EVER go for anything (online or in real life) where the people come to you for it AND especially where money is involved where they want your details.

    If you want a job, holiday, car, new windows, your driveway re-paving, go out and look for it yourself!

  7. the only thing they are interested in is your account and personal info and then they drain your bank accounts dry.....most of these originate in nigeria.....

    they've got nothing to do and with all that time on their worthless theiving hands they come up with all the good scams.

    don't give them any information or even reply to their e-mails.....or you be be cleaned out to the last penny

  8. If you can't work out that this is an obvious scam, then I suggest you cancel your internt account now coz there is plenty more of these scams out there and you WILL be a target for them. Keep one basic rule in mind - anything that sounds too good to be true, generally is.

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