
Regarding the Georgia Bigfoot, claims and media coverage?

by Guest60791  |  earlier

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The bigfoot has been confirmed to be a hoax.

Anyone want to publicly apologize for claims posted on here that you were positive that is wasn't, and gain some credibility back? Or are you going to persist despite all evidence to the contrary and fall back on conspiracy theories and delusions of persecution?

This event was covered by major media outlets, CNN, Fox News, etc. Does this make it seem less likely that there is all this credible evidence out there to support ESP, telekinesis, etc. and it's just that no one is talking about it? Why would they cover the possibility of this bigfoot and not other paranormal phenomena evidence that was presented?




  1. I publicly apologize for believing that the purported big foot body would disappear before being exposed as a hoax.  I miscalculated the intelligence of those two fools.

  2. I think the fact we don't hear,is the best evidence against the paranormal.

    There's a large audience hungry for anything paranormal.News programs are ratings motivated.If there was anything to report they would.A single paranormal event of any kind would make millions for them.

    Unless of course they're all involved in a giant conspiracy.No doubt with The Amazing Randi and the Skeptics movement responsible.

  3. Just confirming what we all already knew.  At least those of us who have half a brain.

  4. Hi

    I don't believe anyone should have to apologize for what the media and the pranksters did. The story line was not credible as it unfolded.

    Everyone is guilty for trusting the media or our country would not be in such a hideous mess right now.Is there anyone publically apologizing for electing Bush? At this rate, "Big Foot" would be just as credible for a presidential candidate as the other two.

  5. So the moral of the story is.......when ever Biscardi's name is involved, it's an automatic hoax.

    I hope the companies that financially endorsed those two knuckleheads sue the c**p out of them.

  6. personally I think the media only gave it the coverage it did because it was pretty obviously a hoax, and it was sensational. they got good mileage out of it.

  7. 1. LOL at Leviticus.

    2. As for my credibility, I vowed to quit smoking if it was real. That is how sure I was that it was a fake.

    3. I watch Fox News. Every once in a while they cover a paranormal story when it gets enough media attention. e.g:

    The supposed gas station ghost on surveillance camera.

    About a week or two before this whole BigFoot fiasco there was this on Fox.,2933,3952...

    Months ago, maybe last year, there was this thing following the space shuttle in orbit, LIVE. They would keep having updates. They ended up saying it was something like a plastic sandwich bag. WTF? Does anyone else remember this?

    If you look at the journalist, most want to laugh and a few have that I can't believe I work at Fox News and am covering this **** look on their face.

    Last year, Sean Hannity did an hour long special on his show, Hannity's America, about paranormal phenomena. I caught the last 15 minutes, it was about stigmata, some dirt that heals anything (something of religious importance was dug up there) and a Virgin Mary statue that cries blood.

    Fox does not lose credibility for this, that is why they say "We Report, You Decide."

    The only intresting evidence I have ever found as for as ESP goes is the following (from TAPS):

  8. It's obvious that the bigfoot was genuine, I know when I see one, but the evil government took the real corpse and substituted it for a rubber one in order to discredit those of us that know the truth!

  9. well first of all I would have everyone taking close-up pictures and i would have brought the body to the press confrence. I admit I was taken in by it all, I was hopeing it to be real. But when I heard Tom Biscardis name i knew nothing good was to come from it.

  10. Well, I never thought it was not a hoax.

    It was just another ridiculous story.  I even saw another story about the same time, where a policeman was chasing a coyote down the road, and calling it a chupacabra!

    I do think that it is incredible that major news outlets even give stories like this air time, without any proof whatsoever, that something is real.

    But what is even almost beyond comprehension is that people will seem to believe anything!   They have no ounce of skepticism in them!

    You would think that in this day and time, that science would prevail.  But it doesn't seem to.  Instead you have shows on about ghosts, goblins, astrology, etc.  And people eat it up as factual.

    I don't know if we are the most gullible people on earth, or are just idiots.  

  11. I would have answered psiexplosion's question but I was too busy with the greys Remote Viewing the government Executive placing the explosives in the WTC which second class citizens would know nothing about.

  12. Surprise!!  It was all a hoax!!  durrr hurrrr

  13. I seem to recall someone saying that "history was going to be made" that Friday. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen :)

    But yes, things like this do not help the position of those who insist that all sorts of evidence exists for paranormal phenomena. It does not prove them wrong, but it's quite consistent with every single attempt to support a paranormal claim that's happened in the past. And I suppose news outlets are aware of that fact too, but as this case seems to suggest, if there is public interest and even a hint of possibility, the news will pick it up. The reason why we don't see more news stories is because most paranormal stories don't even reach the paltry credibility level of this particular Bigfoot hoax.

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