
Regarding the Olympics? Is there something in the back of your mind that tells you M. Phelps is just?

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putting enough effort forth to win his medals and just break some world records, but he could probably do even better? That guys amazing and fun to watch.




  1. He is Summing in 8 event.....8 event...

  2. He is Fantastic!!

  3. His coach has said that he is doing well, but getting fatigued due to the heavy schedule.  He stated that his training prepared him for this.  But, this is the olympics, with many gifted swimmers.

  4. I think it just appears that way because he is winning so easily.  it wouldn't surprise me is he continues, he will get better.

  5. I agree, the other day when I was watching the announcers were even saying how he was "just on cruise control" but he still broke the record & won the gold.

  6. Wow. I believe you are on to something....


  7. part of me yes.  He is not putting out as much during the qualifiers, but I think that he saves all of his energy for the final rounds of each competition.  They say that he burns 4000 calories during each competition, so he is probably trying to save himself alittle each time knowing that he has another meet coming up ....I think he could always do better, and he knows it.

  8. Why? Because his stroke pattern is slower and he doesn't appear completely exhausted after each race?  I know it seems like it come easy for him, but he has been preparing for these couple of weeks for years.  I don't think breaking 5 world records would make anyone think he isn't giving it his all.

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