I know all the arguments that death penalty opponents use against the death penalty and I use them myself but something ocurred to me recently.
Why should the mother of a condemned man or woman be forced to undergo the agony of knowing exactly when and how her child is going to be killed? She is innocent and it is a Mother's instinct to love her child irresepective of what he/she may have done
How does a Mother (sister, brother, child, father) of the executed inmate recover? How can they expected to recover when the state has killed theor loved one?
I am not interested in answers that are vitriolic against the inmate - I would like people to answer who have thought through exactly what I have said.
How would an innocent loving mother ever recover from the lead up to the execution, the actual execution and the aftermath?
Does anyone ever think of this?
Why should she suffer the death of her child when she has done nothing wrong?