
Regarding the protests against the Olympics in China, Do you remember the Tiananmen Square rebellion in '89?

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It is sad that China has such a long history of opression, even on its own people.

I think many young people never heard of this, what do you think?

Note: I respect and admire the Chinese People, but their government is indeed oppresive, either in its traditional communist face or its modern brutally capitalist one.




  1. I remember seeing it on TV.

    It was horrible to watch.

  2. I remember the greatest act of courage ever caught on video...  One lone man standing in front of a line of tanks refusing to move, willing to die rather than move.

    The other thing about that act that says a lot is the fact the tank driver didn't simply run over him...

  3. China has the longest recorded history of any civilization on earth.  And, yes, it's that sort of history....

    You don't have to be that old to remember Tiananmen, though the history of it is actively suppressed in China, so younger Chinese might not understand protests they see referencing it.  

    Don't kid yourself that the PRC isn't Communist anymore.  They've opened up parts of a few provinces to capitalist investement and practices to amp up thier economy.  Many communists do reject the stalinist idea that a single nation can 'go it alone' and establish a worker's paradise within it's own borders. There are doubtless those in China who are willing to make compromises like the Special Economic Zones to put China in the position - many years from now - to be able to resume spreading communism over the globe.

  4. Geeze! Was it that long ago! Yes, I remember it. That's why I don't understand how the International Olympic Committee could actually believe that if they got China to promise to be "nicer," they would. Hitler made promises to Chamberlain, too, and we see how well that worked out. And, no, I don't remember that! lol

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