
Regardless of party, are you tired of the US presidential election coverage?

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I feel like there's been so much coverage that I am no longer interested in most of it. I know I'm no political junkie, but I've never been so ready for an election to end. It's been a year and a half of overkill.

I'm glad that the (American) football season has begun.




  1. Always tired of it.  It happens every four years, and you will hear about it all year until about February 13th.  That's after the inaugural.

  2. I was until I found out about Palin's daughter. Now I'm more interested than ever.

    NOT REALLY. It's getting tiresome only one more month. YES!!!!

  3. I was tired of the coverage months ago.

  4. I totally agree and I consider myself a political

    junkee!  I think the whole thing is a huge waste of money!

  5. I agree completely.  

  6. i used to be into back when it started (1 and 1/2 years go). but since then ive seen the truth. the truth being that all politicians are tools and puppets of the SYSTEM. but soon we will be(or are already) in a state of Ragnarok/Kali Yuga. out from the rubble of the old order shall arise a new breed of spiritually clean who will build a new order on the scorched earth!

  7. I'm right there with ya!

  8. Ya, I'm with ya!

  9. More concerned than tired.  I can understand why no one (Democrat, Republican, liberal, conservative or other) wants to pay much attention to G.W. Bush right now.  He's a disgrace an embarrassment and almost universally hated in the U.S. and around the world.  The only problem I can see with ignoring the guy is that, like it or not, HE'S STILL THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  Right now the U.S. has two destroyers in the Black Sea and the Bush administration is still bull headedly determined to put a missile defense system in Poland.  Why?  I don't know, which usually means it has something to do with oil.  The status of Obama's lapel pin will almost certainly get more news coverage than G.W.'s maneuvering of the world toward the Apocalypse.  G.W. has never been held accountable for his multiple and ongoing acts of treason, and I doubt he ever will be.  That state of affairs outrages me beyond my ability to express.

  10. This election season has been a circus.  Well, every presidential election season is a circus, but this one is like Cirque du Soleil on steroids, where last few were just like the small, traveling circuses that go town to town each year.

  11. Yes, it's gone on far too long.  And I believe the process was better when it started later.  February 2008 would have been time enough.  as it was, we seem to have started at least a year earlier than that!  Too many decisions were already made before people got to know the candidates, or were even paying attention.

  12. I love it! A big bunch of supposed experts tell us everyday how to think and change their minds weekly.

    It's a lot better than hearing that the number three man in Al Quida has been killed for the sixth time or that some guy on Wall Street got fired with a 20 million dollar package because his company bankrupted thousands of people.

  13. yep

  14. The election coverage is only going to get worse.  Ugh!

    I'm so glad for the football season!

  15. Yes. I've had to stop listening to NPR in the morning (my usual routine) because I'm tired of the incessant, microscopic parsing of every detail.

    There MUST be other news going on in the world they can cover.

  16. Yes, I am tired of the election coverage.  The coverage goes on way too long.  

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