
Regardless of what we do in American foreign policy, we are blamed for everything....?

by Guest60080  |  earlier

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Should we eliminate ALL foreign aid, foreign involvements, membership in the UN, European defense, concentrate on our citizens and ignore the issues of the world?

Can we have a foreign policy without upsetting someone?




  1. "freedom and democracy in America have been reduced to no-fly lists, spying without warrants, arrests without warrants or evidence, permanent detention despite the constitutional protections of habeous corpus, torture despite the prohibition against, self-incrimination"  Paul Roberts-asst secretary of treasury in the Reagan admin

    You Americans have literally let your country go to sh it and this all started well before Sept 11, 2001.  Unfortunately my country (Canada) is tied to yours and if you go down (which you are) we won't be far behind.  And from what I read, newscasts I watch, pretty much the world thinks this, except of course for Americans who've got a pretty big denial thing going on.  

    Your foreign policy has pretty much caused most of the issues of the world, just look at Iraq.  You guys we're justified for Afganistan,(And that's if you believe the Official story of Sept 11, 2001) but Iraq, you f*cked up big time.

  2. The best foreign policy would be one of neutrality.  Liberty and freedom are contagious....when not spread by the barrel of a gun.

  3. Trouble is we have done allot of bad things with our foreign policy, especially since ww2, supported dictators and strong men, dumped aid on countries & supported countries that have and are causing allot of problems in this world, unnecessary wars, Vietnam and Iraq which have killed and destroyed allot of inocent people.  Our CIA has done allot of dirty underhanded things around the world.

    I think we need a more open review of what our country is really doing in this world.

  4. *I think that the Government needs more true Americans in Congress,the Courts,and a President that think like the people in Arizona. Those are the real American People. They have the guts to tell the rest of the morons in this country to kiss their American @2s!!

    It's amazing how the hatred for for one man can make a Nation blind to what the other two branches of Government are getting away with.

    Please explain to me what laws the President has passed that takes away your rights!!

    The President can only present an annual buget,that must be aproved by CONGRESS!!! Have you been paying attention to what they have been doing with it? The ones that scream the loadest about the President,are the same ones that won't say a word about their Congreeman's drunked spending on c**p,or giving this country away to a bunch of Illegals.

  5. Ideally, I would answer yes to all of that. However, we do not live in an ideal world. Therefore, we simply can't run away from the problems of the rest of the world.

    That stated, I do believe that we should dramatically reduce the amount of foreign aid we provide. In addition, we should seriously consider removing ourselves from the UN barring major reform efforts.

  6. We are being blamed for everything because our current leadership has actually made us all the 'bad guys' in just about everything. Look at all the enemies they are creating for us. Look at the laws they are passing to limit our constitutional freedoms. Look at how they are making the cost of living in our own country cost prohibitive.

    It is no longer about eliminating our foreign aide or foreign policy... really it should be about using our declaration of independence as a guide to eliminating this current leadership. They will be the death of us all if they are allowed to continue.

  7. Nope.

    You'll only be blamed for the things that you do that violate international law. Allowing others to torture on your behalf for example.

  8. Who frigging cares? Why do we (the strongest nation on earth) have to pander to all these idiotic third world countries? People who try to be everyone's friend (we all know folks like that) usually end up having NO friends. s***w 'em, says I. help those countries who appreciate it, leave the UN to dissolve (as it surely will, without us), and let those who hurl insults and abuse at us fall into ruin without givin' 'em a penny.

  9. We shouldn't eliminate all foreign aid but we should stop sending aid to countries that oppose us at every turn. Dropping the UN is a great idea. Foreign involvement and the defense of Europe is in our own self interest. If a modern day Hitler should gain control of Europe they would have excellant footing to launch an attack on us. Isolationism is what caused the Great Depression. We don't want to go there.

  10. Yes we should become a more insular nation and deal with our domestic problems--such as immigration, money suppy and value, wealth disparity, and landless poor: the same problems that humans have had in the West since the early years of the Roman Republic.  

    By forcing our Nation back to an more insular view of the World, We the People of the United States of America would be able to force a change in our favor on the home front.  

    And to do this would merely take mass protests in favor for this policy and a massive call for a plebiscite that has the absolute power to amend the Constitution and to break all treaties that cause the sovereign citizens of America to be bound to Bankers will.

    We also would save on the cost of the troops in Japan, Europe, and the Middle East and Central Asia., this could save us up to some 800 Billion Dollars--a not so small sum.  

    Moreover the money could be put into getting actual trade based industries up and running again--more butter and less guns.  (Remember the Nukes always remember the Nukes. Bright flash..........and we just a Bright Flash!!)

    We Do Not Need Forward Defenses of Conventional Troops We Have Satellite and WMD's enough to destroy the entire rest of the world, no nation-state is going to attack us directly. 9/11 was a terror operation, by whom is not determined, but it was a well cared our plan by INDIVIDUALS and not by any other nations government not Iraq, and not Afghanistan, so why are we there again??

    As to the idea that we need foreign oil, this is only true if you are those that need to sell us foreign oil at a profit.  The fact is that the United States has massive resources with in its borders and we could still live quite well even if we had to manufacture everything here in the USA from scratch again. By eliminating the entanglements We the People might be able to take a swing at Freedom again AND rebuild America into the Power House that she was before the greedy, the blind striped her of her factories and industries.  Thus I think that it would be a great thing for Americans to be put to work inventing, building, creating and striving for a better tomorrow.

    A tomorrow in which factories put our wares for the worlds markets that Americans can sell for profits that benefit Americans and not international Bankers and Corporations.

  11. our communist news media can always find someone to complain about can give 5 billion to a country and someone will say it is not used to solve thier particular problem

  12. American government has failed the american people. They have to turn else were to seek their accomplishments . Even if they fail there too.

  13. I think the problem goes to that old proverb that Say's the squeaky wheel gets He grease and  you can please some of the people some times but not all the people all the time so we can only try its better than doing nothing at all

  14. Trade makes the world go 'round. The current U.S. foreign policy tends to forget that. Instead, this president's foreign policy is linked to Defense - and that's the problem.

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