
Regardless of your political views, don't you think McCain's choice is a brilliant strategic move...?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike be upfront, I'm leaning toward Obama, but I think McCain's choice is a brilliant move.....if this were a game of Chess, I think he'd be calling, "check". She allows him to court the women who voted for Hillary Clinton, AND, her inexperience allows him to capitalize on the "change" theme the Democrats have been using since the beginning.

As I say, I'm not a fan of McCain, but you have to give him credit for making such a great and unexpected choice. If you can leave out the usual "hate-for-the-other-party" comments, I'd like to know your thoughts. Thanks.




  1. A bold move and politically brilliant.  Completely took Obama's thunder on a day when all of the pundits would have been analyzing his speech.  Even the fact that people are discussing her inexperience, will work to his advantage as people will be comparing her experience level to Obama's.

  2. My vote was up in the air but to me this move made him look weak...its kinda insulting to think that hilary supporters only supported her because she is a woman and expect them to just vote for the other woman regradless of her views. I mean she ran Alaska (population 2) and Hilary ran New York (popualtion too many) Honestly, when Mcain and her were standing next to each other it didnt look like a team that would run our country good together. I dont know but it all was strange to me!

  3. First, let me say I'm an Obama supporter because I believe in his policies.  When I first heard the news about McCain's VP, I thought it was a sly move - that was my impulsive thought.  My thoughtful response is this:

    McCain may draw the attention of the die hard Hillary fans, but at the expense of those who were leaning towards McCain, but still undecided.  The reason is that he simply picked someone with female parts, and not a qualified female VP candidate.  McCain has consistently criticized Obama for beign too young and not having enough experience - then he goes and picks someone that fits that exact description.  (Palin does have pipeline experience, though.)

    If McCain would die in office, Palin is next in line, and she is nothing but a "small town, pretty face".  And I'm a feminist!

  4. One thing that can't be argued: His selection has sucked all the oxygen from the Obama campaign.

    Last night was Obamas acceptance speech.  The launch of his fall campaign.  And by 11:00AM (ET) he was gone from the news and it's all Palin all the time.  This is the topic people will talk about over the long holiday weekend, the Sunday talk shows and then Monday the Republican convention opens.

    If he'd picked Romney there would have been 30 seconds of "safe choice" talk and we'd be back to all Obama all the time.

    We're going to have a full week of no Obama.

  5. I agree 200%.  I think she will also change the dynamic to a more positive one.  No more time wasted attacking Obama, just a focus on what we can do to get out of this mess we are in.  She reinforces his message of a new type of Republican party.  I don't think he had enough credibility in that area before.  She also "walks the talk" on issues like abortion and overcoming corruption/pork-barrel spending.  It's brilliant!

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