
Regie is 5 years older than Lani five years ago the sum of their ages was 25.How old are they now?

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PLS SHOW THE 1st and 2nd equation




  1. R = L + 5

    L + R         = 25

    L + (L + 5 ) = 25

    2L + 5        = 25

    2L             = 20

    L               = 10

    10 + 5 years = 15

    Lani is 15,

    Regie is 5 years older, 20 .

  2. reggie is 20

    lani is 15

  3. Well if Reggie is 5 years older than Lani 5 years ago, So reggie is 10 years older than Lani which makes Lani 7.5 years old and Reggie is 17.5 years old. Am I correct? That seemed logical to me but I'm bad with math! lol... Alycia D.

  4. reggie-20


    equations are too long to be written

  5. Lani      +      5      =      Regie

    Lani is 10     +      5      =     Regie 15

        5 years ago

    (L) 10     +    (R) 15     =      25


    (L) 10 + 5 = 15

    (R) 15 + 5 = 20

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