
Registered at a bank?

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This is a little bit of an odd situation to me. I am not opposed to it at all, actually i think it is a really neat idea and i will be glad ton contribute! However upon recieving this information i did think that it was quiet a bold move on behalf of the bride and groom, nevertheless, i thought it was cool. i just wanted to find out what other peoples opinions were....A friend of mine is getting married and when i received the announcment i learned that they were registered at a local bank and they had included the information anyone would need to contribute to their wedding account...what do you think about that?




  1. Etiquette wise it's kinda tacky but extremely practical. Does the bank keep track of who deposits what? Does the account information change after the wedding? I see a trend here. Register at paypal, American Express, the local Check Cashing place. OK, all jokes aside, if you can register for your honeymoon why not at a bank? They say that your gift should cover the cost of your plate now it literally will.

  2. Wow. I have never heard of this before... ever.

    I find it tacky and greedy. If someone wants to give them money they just give them a check.

    However I have to give props to the bank for this clever marketing scheme.  

  3. I think its incredibly creative and ingenius!!

    As far as etiquette tho, I do think its rude and greedy.

  4. In the world of "etiquette", that would be considered tacky.  In my world, I don't see anything wrong with it.  I personally wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't knock another couple for doing it.

    People are so stuck in the old days where they want to buy toasters and china for wedding gifts.  They need to get with the times.  Now days, bride and grooms have already been on their own for sometime before marriage, so they probably have all of the household stuff they need.  Give them what you KNOW they could use, and thats money!  Everyone can use money, especially with the way things are nowdays.

    I'd rather spend my money on something I KNOW the person would use, rather than spending it on something I THINK they might can use, then it sits in their basement collecting dust.

  5. I don't like it at all. It seems greedy.

  6. I understand where they're coming from, but it's still rude.  

    When giving presents it's considered impolite to give gifts of money.  This is because firstly it shows the value of the gift (ie; it could make one uncomfortable if the gift is considered cheap or too expensive) and because it's a lazy option - rather than handpicking a gift.  

    The information that it is going into their wedding account makes it even worse as it gives the impression that the guests are actually having to pay for their invite to the wedding!

  7. Clever on their part but rude... they may need the money and it's probably more valuable than gifts to them but one doesn't really do such things.. one should not say that people have to make contributions to ones wedding account... I would be offended and stay away from the wedding unless I knew that those people were financially in dire straits.. that is rude behaviour to demand anything.. they can say.. who wants to donate money instead of a gift that is welcome but to ask for it and demand it of everyone is not correct... unless they are really so poor. I believe the proper way would have been to say.. money donations are welcome... and have left it at that but not make it compelling to give money instead of a gift.. Or they could make it known to everybody that they need to buy a lot of furniture for their new home together.. explain that in a  friendly way to all the guests in their invitation and then most guests would automatically give money rather than household items... as the couple has to go and choose their own furniture.. that would be a polite way of asking for money in lieu of gifts.. and then I would think it is a diplomatical and acceptable way.. and I would give them money...
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