
Registered s*x offender moved into my neighborhood..What are there housing rules in NORTH CAROLINA?? plz help?

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We were recently notified of a Registered s*x Offender who just moved into my neighborhood. We have a school less than a mile away, and kids who live beside him, in front of him, & behind him. Are there any restrictions on him being so many feet from kids or a school?

I know the laws are different but i need to know this for North Carolina..

I really wish someone would answer this.. we are all pacing the floors worried sick!!!! :(




  1. Contact the police department with your concerns. Currently the only thing that has to be done is the notification. Did you know that this is also a form of discrimination? Don't you remember the Black neighborhoods of the 60's? Where would you have him go?

  2. I live in NC too and our State Gov't is starting to irk me.

    They give Drivers Licenses to Illegals and pay for their Schooling.

    NC is the most highly taxed State in the SE.

    Anybody can vote as long as they show up at the polls.

    The political corruption in this State is unbelievable.

    This is what happens when you let Democrats run a State for over 120 years.

  3. If he's not in jail, he needs to live someplace. Schools and kids are nearly unavoidable. The man should be in jail, but all the state can really do is notify the neighbors and keep a close eye on him.

  4. Hi Tina,

    We also faced the same problem a few years back, I showed my kids his picture and told them to beware and that was the end of it.  He still lives there to this day, his house is visible from mine (several houses down), and our neighborhood has not had any issue as a result of his residence here.

    I would not worry.

    If there are issues that do arise, I am positive your local law enforcement will remedy the situation *very* quickly.


  5. I don`t think people generally have problems with s*x offenders moving in. The stigma of being on the register is one of the greatest deterrents there is. He is probably going to be watched like a hawk by the authorities, outcast from the community, and treated as a fiend wherever he goes. Good old American fear based prejudice! The thing is, what with him being capable of cognitive thought, he will probably be afraid to even look at a kid(and it should be pointed out that not all s*x offenders are uncontrollable pedophiles), for fear of the entire town hunting him down with torches and pitchforks.

  6. "s*x Offender" is a status only. If he is on probation, there may be some restrictions. However, once probation is over, there are no restrictions.

    Having a s*x offender in the neighborhood is not necessarily something to be concerned about. Statistically, almost all s*x offenders establish a relationship with their victims first. Teaching your children what to do when approached by a stranger will eliminate most problems.

    Only a very small percentage of s*x offenders, especially pedophiles, prey on strangers.  

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