
♥ Is your daughter like this...?

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♥ My daughter is four and has hated wearing pants since she could crawl. She loves wearing dresses, skirts, and skorts. I can get her to wear pants maybe once a month and shorts she likes sometimes. She is also very picky about her hair and does not like to leave without her hair done.

Do you have a daughter like this? I don't mind that she doesn't like wearing pants.




  1. Let her wear her dresses  if she wants. I will not hurt any thing. (I  know I will get a lot of  grief for saying this but hear goes.) I would rather my child wear dresses than pants anytime.  I think girls should look like girls, not boys.

  2. My sister was like that till 2nd grade.

  3. At that age my daughter was the same way. Now it's usually jeans and a t-shirt and she never wants to wear a  dress or skirt. Hair is usually in a pony tail.

  4. Mine use to be until kindergarten. Only because they said you could see their panties on the slide and they thought *bloomers* underneath a dress was babyfide. So then they only wore dresses when it rained, since there was no chance of outdoor recess.

  5. my daughter isnt that old yet, but when my sister was that age she was just like that, she wore pants maybe like 10 times tops a year! and if she went out without her hair done she had to b wearing sunglasses! it was cute! she is very fashion forward!

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