
03 bayliner 21ft capri?

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i recently got it service though a marina and i just took it out after it getting service and now have a major problem with it the drive lube keeps leaking out i couldnt see where but i called the marina and they told me i could drive it back to the dock after hearin the alarm go off and on the way back it quit on me the boat runs great but wot go forward or backwards and im wondering how big of an issue this is the marina told me they will take care of it if its there fault but they also stated that they cant predict things like this when i just paid 550 for this work to be done should i contact a lawyer are what can i do




  1. Sorry man...

         I hate to be the bearer of bad news - I know it doesn't get one "the best answer" when the asker doesn't get an answer he or she wants.

        But contacting a lawyer will be your third mistake. - You should know by now, the other two.

        For now however, it is doubtful you will even find a lawyer you even consider a case like this.  The good honest one will tell you, you don't have a prayer of making any financial gain - and in fact the very best thing you can do is try to work things out nice and sweetly with the marina.

         Don't know what you paid them $550 for - but that's peanuts (in fact, that's not even one peanut) in world of marina repair expenses...

    Your lucky they did anything more then look at for $550.  What did they do - change your oil?

         So, try to work things out with them - nicely... you never can tell when you may need them again.


  2. i would contact a lawyer if my engine was running fine before they worked on it.  

  3. Capt. John has some good points and good advise.  I'm not quite sure what happened.  If there is a problem with the "drive" leaking oil, the "alarm" would have not sounded.  If you lost oil from your engine, and the oil pressure warning sounded, I don't know anyone who'd it anyway.  If I had to guess, I'd say the oil filter gasket didn't come off when the old one was removed, so when the new filter was installed, there were 2 filters gaskets. which allowed oil to escape when the engine was running and/or the filter wasn't tightened properly.  If so you need document this before you let the marina "check it out".  This might be better if another mechanic looks at it.  Then by all means, give the marina the chance to take care of it.  I hope this helps!   And I mean it when I say Good Luck!!!!!

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