

by Guest65257  |  earlier

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What do you think of my blog? And is there any other dating advice that I can add to it? If there is PLEASE tell!

XOXO Thanks!




  1. The blog page looks fine.  Perhaps you could go "beyond" just dating.  Some of us need all sorts of relationship advice and have no one to turn too.

  2. looks good to me

  3. seems awesome

  4. A way don,t you get a life as well.

  5. Love the blog.You sound very independant and confident

  6. I LOVE IT!!!

  7. Yeah, the blog looks fine, but...if a girl wants dating advice shouldn't the advice from a male be included? Like when you say a girl should play hard to get...a nice innocent guy like myself would think she doesn't want me so I would look elsewhere, when in actuality she was only putting up a front and therefore lost out. While the more experienced guys, some of whom are jerks, could read through that front, keep pursuing her till she gives in then break her heart. Then I the innocent nice guy has to pay for that in the long run. What advice can you give to alleviate that possibility?

  8. awww, it's cute.....looks like a page in cosmo or something!!!!

  9. I love it. Cool idea for a blog.

    You could REALLY help me with mine. Would you mind bridget?;...

  10. it sounds good.....and true!

  11. great, you seem to know alot about dating lol

  12. its average

  13. yeah its good but u need to put more in for guys idk what but guys need a lot more help than u put down

  14. mr b for bald

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