
$10 a day?

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is it to much to spend 10 dollars a day for lunch at school?




  1. what are you buying t-bone steaks that answer is yes thats a little much

  2. Simply.. Yes.

  3. Um... YES.  That's $50 a week... WAY too much.

  4. Yes! I won't allow my son a lunch order for $4.00 once a week! Make your own, it's much cheaper.

  5. Most definitely it's too much.  Are they buying packaged or junk food, and overweight?  If so, you need to take charge of the diet.

    Go to http://www.wholepurefood and watch the video "how to get fat without really trying"  this will tell you the kind of foods people should eat for health.

  6. that's too much to spend per day for lunch period.  That's like two value meals at mcdonald's.  How much food are you eating?

  7. That's probably what it cost to eat at school, but you could do it for a lot less and bring your own lunch.  Plus it would probably be healthier.  And you'd be saving lots of money.  If your lunch cost $5 instead to make at home then you'd be saving around $1000 a year.  That 's a lot of money.  If you divided that money up into 10 equal payment of the $100 a month you would saving and invested it in an RRSP at 8%, then when you are 60 (assuming you are 15 right now) you would have $527,453.98.  And that's only lunch money.  Think of what you could do if you put away more!!!  

    Here's the link I used to calulate it.  Go to the bottom right of the page and fill out the cash flow calculator.

  8. yea. if you packed ur lunch, it would save you around 500 dollars a school year.

  9. I am an adult and I wouldn't spend $10 dollars a day on a lunch. So yes I think its way too much for a school lunch.

  10. yep for one kid,where are they eating at,a resturant with a waitress?

  11. h**l ya

  12. I spend not even 10rs. a day.

    1$ = 40Rs. (apx)

  13. That's $50 a week.  That's like throwing $35-$40 away each week.

  14. ya, im in highschool and get 3 bucks from my parents if i want a juice or coffee or anything else i gota pay for it

  15. I would have to say yes in today's messed up economy.

    it would be cheaper to pack a lunch

  16. It doesnt sound like much and i know only a couple of things add up BUT it will turn out very expensive by the end of the week. $50 a week on lunch. pack some nice healthy foods instead, save money and be more healthy :)

  17. Yes, that's too much!  Is this at elementary school?  My son buys lunch at school about once a month and it costs $1.75 for everything.

  18. yes. That is $50 a week better off in the bank. Make your own lunch and it would be $10 per week
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