
1080p on 22" LG Flatron?

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I just bought a fantastic LG flatron LCD 22" TV for my room. It's superb with my Xbox 360 and it works great in HD. However, in the specs it says that it will run up to 720p/1080i but when i tested the 1080p setting on my 360 it worked fine and so i'm continuing to use it. Will this be bad for the TV or slow it down in the long run at all? any ideas why it's working on such a small TV? any help appreciated, thanx!




  1. You won't do it any harm.  You can squirt a 1080p signal into it, but it will ignore every other half-frame and give you 1080i.  On a 22" screen it doesn't make much difference.  On a 52" screen, you'd notice.

  2. As was already mentioned, you can pump the 1080p into it, it just won't display that. My PS3 does the same thing on my older TV. It sends out 1080p, but just shows up as 1080i (interlaced). On a 22" screen, you won't really notice the difference between 720 lines of resolution or 1080, so you could let it sit at 720p and that'd be fine. It actually may look just a touch sharper because of the progressive scanning, but only a tiny bit.

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