
11 Day Long Period?Pregnant?

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I was put on Marvelon for 6 months due to pelvic pain.My body regulated quite quickly to it.This month was my last month on it and I ended up getting my period a week earlier than I was sapossed to.This period has been extremely light and brown,usually it's really heavy (for some reason birth control made my periods even heavier than it was before).It's been 11 days now and it still hasn't stopped.I was put on anti-biotics a few weeks ago and I completely spaced that anti-biotics can make birth control ineffective,so there is a chance I might be pregnant.I've had a constant headache for the past week or so (not bad enough to take anything),my b***s are a bit sore.

I was wondering if anyone had this when they stopped birth control?And is it even possible to be pregnant after having this bleeding for so long?




  1. well first off if your birth control made your periods heavier then it was the wrong birth control for you. when you stop taking birth control your body has to adjust to that extra hormones being gone. if your getting brown blood that is old blood that your body is finally discharging and is nothing to worry about. usually if you are bleeding your not pregnant cause when you get pregnant your uterus closes. i would really think it is from going off of the pill and that the pill you were on was not right for you considering it made your periods heavier. gl

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