
11 and wanting goldfish?

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my little sister is 11 and wanting a goldfish???

I dont really get it we have a dog isnt that enough?

I think she wants to try and look after something by herself without much help. is a goldfish a good idea?

Because we got a dog and she was gonna look after it and take it out for walks...She takes it out for what seems like a 2 second walk after school and strokes and plays with it but nothing else. and shes not allowes anyother pets because are mum hates small animals! is a dog ok with a fish aslong as we keep the fish were the dog doesnt go ? and is she being silly wanting a goldfish, at 11? Mums deciding on the goldfish at the mo!




  1. No, it's not silly, but I doubt she can take care of it herself. She must be able to lift a heavy bucket of water and know how to vacuum (with a syphon) the tank and gravel. Teach her how to do all these and if she still wants it make sure she doesn't keep the poor fish in a bowl! Here are some basics:

    - absolutely NO bowls! Goldfish need room to swim and a filter so that the water can be cleaned because they are very messy fish.

    - don't overfeed. too many goldfish die because their owners keep feeding them because they always look hungry. they can get swim bladder problems from overfeeding and die.

    - be careful what kind of goldfish you put in the same tank. some fancy goldish (with long flowing fins and other strange parts) are slow swimmers and can't compete for food with normal goldfish. also beta fish will attack any fish with long flowing fins because they see them as rival betas.

    - change 1/4 of the tank water every 2 weeks. make sure that you let the new water sit out for at least 24 hours to get rid of the chlorine or just add dechlorinator to the water

    - don't touch the goldfish! that can disturb the their slime coat that protects them from infection.

    - keep the tank out of direct sunlight but not in the dark

    Have fun keeping fish but make sure to know how to take care of them before you rush out to buy one!

    Goldfish are much more intelligent and live longer than we think. They remember which people feed them and which don't. Fancy types can live 15-20 years if taken care of properly and normal types more than 30 years!

  2. She should get a fish.  Your only 11 once. :)  

  3. trust me its not a great idea. unless u or ur mum is happy to clean out the tank all the time, it can be quite an annoying job to be honest!

  4. i clean out my betas tank im 12 ive had a fish scince i was 7 and she is 11 so she can do it fine she WANTS to learn responsibilty let her

  5. bad idea. kids love the new animals for a few days, then forget about them, and they end up floating upside down in 3 weeks because no-one cleans the tank or feeds them

  6. awwwwwwwwww lwt her have them make sure u get a flitter and clean out tank correctly or fihes will die  

  7. I'm sure one little goldfish in a small fish tank isn't going to cause major problems and if it's just hers, and no-one else's pet, then she will feel it means more. Buy her a book on how to look after it, and tell her it's fully her responsibility.

    As for the dog, if it was a cat then I'd say yes be careful, but a dog normally would show a small amount of interest for about 2 minutes then just walk away, not a problem.

    At 11 wasn't there something you really wanted, and desperately needed someone to be on your side to make that decision in persuading the adults for you ?  go on give your little sister that feeling that for once, someone believes she 'can' show responsibility.

    Caramac x

  8. People think that goldfish don't live very long, but actually they can live for 40 years or more if they're treated properly.

    The only reason most goldfish die so quickly is because people think they're 'easy' pets and don't realise how vulnerable they can be.

    For example, they put chlorine in tap water, which is toxic to goldfish and will shorten their life and maybe even kill them. You'll need to research about goldfish with your sister (you can help her learn) and go on websites about goldfish and find out all the information you can find out and when you think you're prepared then go for it!

    But be aware that they need lots of space (more than you think!) and you have to learn lots about them and how to care for them properly before you even consider it. There are loads of really great websites about goldfish and they're much more interesting than most people think they are!

    Use a dechlorinator, get a good filter, make sure you ask advice about how much space you need and DON'T ever keep a goldfish in a goldfish-bowl! Those things should be ilegal! They're totally inappropriate in the amount of surface water and don't give enough oxygen to the fish.

    Work it all out - educate yourself and your sister on goldfish,  get lots of advice from websites and... then... Go for it! and good luck with your new pet! :)

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