
11 month old eating enough?

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I don't think my 11 month old son is eating enough. Here is typically what he will eat:

8:00 Breakfast- some cheerios & maybe an ounce of yogurt. water in sippy

9:30- 8oz bottle

12:30- about 1 tsp of peas, some cheerios, 1/4 slice of american cheese, water in sippy

2:00- 8oz bottle

5:30- cheerios, about 1tbsp of veggies, a few pieces of potato, maybe a bite or 2 of meat (never usually keeps any meat in his mouth) sippy w/ water.

8:00- 8 oz bottle (sometimes needs a whole 2nd bottle to go to bed)

*Usually wakes in middle of night for a bottle as well.

I feel like he is eating a lot less now then when he was eating baby food and even more bottles. He now wants nothing to do with baby food and will fight with me to eat. I can usually only get half of a 4oz stage 2 jar into him so I gave up and gave him table foods because he seems to only want to feed himself now. He is definitely eating way to many bottles- I already know this. my pediatrician said no more than 3 bottles a day is what he should be getting (no more than 24 oz) and sometimes he is getting 5 per day because otherwise he is crying out of hunger. I try to give him more food at meal times but he doesn't want it and will throw the food and refuse it. He will even take it out of his mouth if I put it in. I am having so much trouble with him, I could really use some help. Any suggestions?




  1. It sounds like he doing really well. He's probably just making the transition from liquids to solids a little bit slower than some. My son took to solids too quickly and would refuse his bottles. Imagine that. Much worse situation to be in. Just keep offering different things and he'll let you know what he likes and wants.  

  2. He is fine!  And, I am not sure why the doctor told you this about the bottles.  All my children drank as many bottles as they wanted up until they turned 12 months, and they are completely healthy.  Children go through stages.  My youngest daughter was very much like your son around this age.  She really didn't care for much except her bottle.  Now, she loves food (although she still loves that sippy cup).  With the bottle at least you know that he is getting the essentials he needs.  It will not hurt him.  My doctors has never told me to limit how many bottles my children had.  Also, if you are worried about how many bottles he is taking them put something else in his bottle such as juice, water, or whole milk.  He will have to get used to things anyway since he is almost a year old.

  3. My 11 month eats about the same. And loves milk too. But i wasnt too worried bcs a set of grandparents who are also friends, had already told me that kids grow up differently, and each one decides what s/he wants, which should be ok so long as the nutritional needs are met.

    Good Luck.  

  4. just careful not to much  

  5. toddlers/babies go threw this. my son did . and yes it caused concern . i found that i would feed him or he would try to feed himself and when he was done he would let me know by turning his head and throwing the food to the dog . during the day i would lay gold fish crackers out or diced fruit so that way when he wanted something it was there . usually little ones are more interested in learnignthere surroundings than eating , but believe me , when he gets hungry he will let you know. as far as the bottles just take one away gradually during the day , when he doesnt seem to miss it , then move to another one until you reach a point where you are comfortable . good luck  

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