
11 year old with cellphone...?

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What do you think of an 11 year old with a cell phone?

I actually have REASONS I need it.

-Parents are divorced

-dad barely takes his phone anywhere if he does its either off or not charged

-I go places by myself ( rink, movies, sk8 park...)

-I have dance and drama after school most days so I need it there.

And yeah. I have the JUKE.

What are your thoughts on this?

And dont say I'm too young 2 be here, I got parental consent.




  1. I think that you should have a cellphone its the best thing 4 u cause it seems u go lots of places

  2. I don't think it is really necessary for an 11 yr old to have a cellular phone. I wasn't allowed to get one until I was 15 yrs. I think it would be alright in your situation, but you have to take full responsibility for it. Always ask your parents permission before you do something (ringtones, text messaging, etc.) and that will save you from getting in trouble. Other than that. I don't think why it would be a problem, in your case.

  3. I think its a good idea, but it should only

    be used for emergencies.. and to keep in touch

    with your parents not your classmates.

  4. Yah i think that that are good reasons to have a cell phone and i think that you should have one. All the things that you do you could get hurt so you would need it.

  5. It is good to have a ay to reach your family if there is an emergency. It is also good if there is a meeting after school that was scheduled last minute and you have to call and let your mom or dad know.

    I would agree though that social calling should be limited, but not cut off completely if used with care and caution.

  6. You don't NEED one.   Your reasons:

    -Parents are divorced.   So are mine, and I didn't get a phone until I was in college.  I didn't need it earlier, and honestly, I don't exactly need it now.

    -dad barely takes his phone anywhere.....   What does this have to do with you?

    -You go places by yourself.  Guess what!  They have pay phones!  

    -Dance and drama.  You're going to use your phone there?  Wow....I thought you'd be dancing or acting, not talking on a phone

    You asked for my thoughts, and those are my thoughts.

  7. A trac fone with 10 minutes at a time for emergencies is all you need.

  8. you do NOT need a cell phone specially not a juke your parents being divorced is NO reason why you "need" a phone neither is you going places by yourself your parents should know where you are but you shouldnt have a phone if something happens there are pay phones to call mom or dad or ask to use the place your at your dance and drama you DONT need a phone for your parents should know to come get you after or your gettin a ride home from someone and i really dont get your "dad barely takes his phone anywhere if he does its either off or not charged" how is that a reason  of you needing a phone ...... you just make no sense and no you dont need a phone and i dont think you should have one

  9. Yeah I think an 11-year old should get a cell phone. I got my cell phone when I was 11 years old and they really help during emergincies.

  10. I like the idea of the phones that only have a small amount of numbers to dial. Like mom, dad, and emergency. I think that a cell phone for other use than your listed reasons isnt a good idea, and you know you use that phone for other reasons ;)

  11. I'm all for it as long as you don't abuse it. My daughter is 9 years old and she is not allowed to take it to school but uses it when she goes to her friend's house so i can contact her and she can contact me. It's a peace of mind for me and she has done really good with her cellphone

  12. no u shouldn't have a cell phone

    1. the first reason isn't a good reason and has nothing to do with you

    2. your dads cell phone doesn't have an affect on you! you cannot even call him when you need to if he's out

    3. i didn't get my cell until i was 13! and guess what? i needed it when i was 11! but my mom didn't get me one because i couldn't take the responsibility of having one

    4. oh yeah i i had cheer leading after school and i needed one

    no never ever for any reason should someone have a cell before the age of 12 11 year olds cannot handle that kind of respnsibility heck i am 13 and can hardly handle the responsability! jeeze loise

  13. i am 11 also and ive had my phone since i was 7 (i got my first phone when i was 7) now i have the new chocolate but yea its a great idea like i keep in touch with my friends that way (i use my computers also) but my parents dont let me go anywhere alone so i wouldnt need it for that purpose...............

  14. frst of all your parents bein divorced is not such a big reason!!!! its not even a reason at all!!!! second of all dad barely takes his phone anywhere if he does its either off or not charged is not a reason either!!!! yor dads cellphone has nutin to do w/ u! second of all 11 is way too youg for a cellphone my parents didnt let me get one till i turned 13! second off if u relee need it b/c it sounds like u may need it for the going places w/o your parents nd stayin in drama club nd whatever if u do get one only hv your parents number dont fool around w/ it to text friends nd whoever.. my friend got it wen shes 11 nd she got it taken away from her cuz she was bein bad w/ it nd not usin it for the reasons she told her parents she would.... nd wen i was your age my parents gave me their cellphones wene wud go out so i can call home or someone..... but w/e do w/e u want itll affect your life not ours!

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