
11:11? what does it mean?

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So it's been about 5 months already that I've been seeing this on clocks, it began in school and i didn't really care for the first 3 months because i thought it only happened during school but now I'm in summer vacation and its still going on. I'm really going crazy! I've even woken up at exactly that time.I told my mom but she was no help all she said was it might help with the lottery.So does anyone know? Thanks.




  1. It means that you will surely die of skin cancer!!

    I LOVE You!!! =D

  2. The number 11:11 means that are 1,111 fun loving spirits, guardians or angels.

  3. 11:11 has to do with the spirit plane and other spiritual happenings. other times are 12:34(i actually look behind myself at this time every day.) &12:12. others say 11:11 is a digital time code.

  4. It means it's 1 minute after 11:10 and 1 minute before 11:12. Just think about that. Think about it.

  5. make a wish!

  6. Don't listen to these other jerks.

    I googled it too a while ago because I have been seeing 11:11 for about 2 years.I can't really explain it to you in an easy way, just google it and the first 3 websites should help :)

    & don't worry your not going crazy.

  7. You remember what you want to remember. You've seen clocks thousands of times that read differently, you just don't attach any importance to it.

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