
13 and confused!!!!!!?

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ok so i am 13 and i have never had a bf or really done anything with boys.

i really dont care bcuz i think im sorta young! i just dont understand y there are all these girls my age who have already had s*x!!!! i think its TERRIBLE to do it at so young and i would wait until im like 17 or 18 i think. im not even really interested in having s*x, all i would want to do is like make out with a guy.

do you guys feel the same way?

do u think its weird that i havent ever had a relationship with a boy?




  1. NO i dont think its weird!

    youre 13 for gods sake

    its normal to think about this stuff

    but your head is in the right place

    dont even think about boys until youre atleast 15

    and youre right 17 18, is a good age to have s*x! so wait!

    its worth it! good luck

  2. yes i do i know exactly what you sre talking about..when i was in middle school i used to hear the boys talk about having s*x with thsi girl or some girl giving him oral s*x...but i always thought" ain't no girl in here gonna do that with ya,they just teasing the boys" will i was soo wrong when i hit high school and saw so much girl about to have a baby" and ome u were preganant in middle school, i still can't believe they have s*x so early but as long as i dnt put my self in that situation i really dnt care.

  3. i am 13 2 i don't want s*x

    but making out know that a different story

  4. You are not crazy.  You are actually mature for your age. Don't ever give up your values for a boy. I promise that you will one day be so happy that you stuck with your morals waited. You are way too young to have s*x or even get serious with a boy. It will happen when you are good and ready and remember that you are in control. Good luck and whenever you decide that the time is right for you(not anyone else), don't forget to use protection every time( a condom). You need to protect yourself from getting pregnant or a disease. God bless.  

  5. What you are going through is completely normal. All girls start being interested in boys at that age. Some of them, because of their poor education and circumstances have babies at that age, not just s*x. But if you can wait it will worth the while. You will be more prepared mentally, and you will know how to tell when a boy is just using you or if he really loves you. And that will be very important for your self esteem.

    It is not weird that you did not have any relationship yet, you are way young. But it will be different with time, DO NOT RUSH. no need.

  6. Oh Allie you're awesome!!

    s*x is a special thing that in reality should be saved for marriage.  Sadly, this world has taken that gift for granted and has abused it.  It is extremely sad that girls your age have already done it!  Honestly, you should keep up your pure reputation and wait until your wedding night to give your virginity away - to your husband, the guy that you'll live with for the rest of your life.  It'll be a special thing that you have only done with him, and he will be head-over-heels in love with the fact that you saved it just for him and didn't give it away to just any guy.

    Secondly, it's not weird at all that you haven't dated yet!  I myself haven't even dated yet; I am getting to know a guy that may be my future husband.  And I'm certainly older than you!  Both this guy and I respect each other's privacy and everything, and we know that we may be perfect for each other, but we haven't had any physical affection.  We are both saving it for the time when we are engaged, whether it's to each other or to other people, and the s*x part for marriage.

    Take your time; don't accept just any date.  And really be careful.  Making out may be a fun thing to you, but it turns guys on big-time and may kick in some urges to go further.  Keep your first kiss for someone you care about, not just the first guy who asks you out.  Keep your mouths closed and let it last for about 2 or 3 seconds; just enough to show affection, but not so much that you're suggesting something bigger.  Leave the making-out part for when you're engaged, or, even better, for your "I Do" kiss.  

    Though I'm saving just about every PDA (public display of affection) for marriage, it isn't bad to kiss gently (no wide-open mouths, grabbing body parts, getting way out of breath, or rolling around on the floor) before marriage.  But you MUST be careful about who you're kissing and where you are.  (Alone in a house is the worst place to kiss.  Make it private, but not far away from other people.)

    I hope you take my advice.  I am so happy that you think it's sad... another Yahoo member was asking about s*x, and he's as young as you!  

    You're awesome the way you are!

  7. It's not weird at all because I'm almost 14 and I've never had a real girlfriend, nor have I ever kissed one. All of my friends make fun of me all the time about that, but I just ignore it.  

  8. your 13!

    your to young to have a bf!

    just have a group of friends to go out with!

    and dating is alot better when you get older!

    and plus, if you have guy friends it will show you there personallitys so you will know who you want!

  9. im 13 also and a lot of girls at my school are like that 2. i definetly dont agree with it and think it should stop immediatley.

  10. NOT WIERD!ya its ok dat ya wanna make out cus of hormones /or somene u love/or u just wanna try it!

  11. i agree with you.

    i'm 14 and i'm not into all that kind of stuff. yes, guys are nice, but we're barely in highschool (or for you, middle school) it's just a bunch of kids who want to act all grown up.

    i've never had a relationship with a boy because i say no to them. don't worry about it.

    (btw i'd want to wait until atleast 17 or 18 too) you're the first girl i've ever heard of that has shared my ideas. weird.

  12. I'm the same way  too so don't worry about.  I bet  a lot of  girls in your school haven't  done anything  with boys yet too.    I  just think it's all  just talk. no thirteen year old should be having s*x.  If there is the world is more messed   up than thought.   You right it  is terrible to do so young.  I think it awful to do it  until your married and I'm not even that religious.  I think it's better to be safe than sorry.    use your good jugment and do what you think is right.  

  13. i feel the same as well. ive been pressured into it a few times, but i am still a virgin. i believe different girls prefer different things, and if you'd rather wait then obviously you aren't ready and having s*x would be a bad choice for you. its really not bad waiting, and you shouldnt let anyone talk you into it.


  14. All this means is your not a s**t. Good for you. Its not weird and yea i felt kinda the same way when i was 13, 14. I didnt know for sure but i thought everyone has gotten laid and i havent even made out with a girl or have a gf. You will figure out that most people havent had s*x only the s***s and the really popular girls (normally whores)

  15. no!!! STAY A VIRGIN!!! Until marrige. your life will be SO much easier. :)



  16. well it's not a weird thing that your not into having s*x yet, i mean your only 13 yrs old. you should just wait till you find someone that you really like before you have s*x, dont get me wrong if you ever get the erge go for it.

  17. When you're 13, hormones are flying. :) It's totally natural to wonder what things like making out would be like! But, a word of advice: don't make out with someone until you feel completely ready. It really is a great experience to have butterflies in your stomach and to be excited and nervous all at the same time, so you want to be with a person who you really do want to share this with. :)

    Secondly, it's not a problem at all to want to wait to have s*x. In fact, it's a great idea! When you're 13, you're generally not ready to handle all of the responsibilities and risks that come with having s*x. Don't criticize other girls for their behavior, though - while you may not think that they're making the right choice, you can't learn from your mistakes if you don't make any! Just be sure to do ONLY what you are comfortable with, and nothing more. Again, waiting is a good idea!



  18. You're 13!!! Just relax, there's plenty of time for that kind of thing later on. That's good that you are mature enough to know not to have s*x so young, but don't worry about not having a boyfriend or anything- that all comes with time :)

  19. You're not weird at all!

    I'm 19 and find it absolutely horrifying that girls are having s*x at such a young age. Do you guys even have those parts yet?! Haha.

    Anyways, it's much better to wait, m'dear. You're not weird at all and more power to you!

  20. Do what you believe is right. s*x that young never really makes anything better anyways. Don't get dragged into pressure, when the time is right you'll know and it'll be special. The way it's supposed to be.

  21. I felt the same way at your age. You just gotta do what's right for you.

  22. yah know what you mean im 15 lulz in high school am I am now dating wait tell ur in high school imo  

  23. i think its really good. and just because your a certain age it doesnt mean you have to start doing things like that. wait until your married cause i guarantee you dont want to have a baby while in highschool and the guy leave you. its happened to a lot of people. always remember. true love waits. :)

  24. makeing out ends up to having s*x..

  25. its ur decision. if someone truly thinks they are ready to move to the next step its their choice. don't judge. s*x is natural. the reason people say others are too young and stuff like that because they believe that a person ur age does not truly know what they are getting into.

  26. no don't rush. s*x is great but not worth having kids so youg and by putting out at that age it starts to give u a rep people will thank ur a s**t and wait till ur ready and it will mean more .  

  27. i wouldnt want to have s*x at 14 now that i think about it 17 or 16 and it is terrible.....its not strange not to have had a relationship yet
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