
13 yr old getting drunk???

by  |  earlier

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What do you think of a 13, almost 14 year old girl going to parties and getting wasted. or even just drinking but not getting wasted? and no its not me its my friend but idk what to think.




  1. I'm around that age and i think its stupid.

    Honestly, i think there are better ways to have fun without these side

    Facts about teen drinking:

    Alcohol use in teens often leads to experimenting with illegal drugs.

    Teenagers that abuse alcohol are more likely commit suicide.

    Young drinkers are more susceptible to brain damage and memory loss than adult drinkers.

    Teenagers that drink are more likely to be sexually active and less likely to practice safe s*x.

    Alcohol affects your brain. Drinking alcohol leads to a loss of coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes, distorted vision, memory lapses, and even blackouts.

    Alcohol affects your body. Alcohol can damage every organ in your body. It is absorbed directly into your bloodstream and can increase your risk for a variety of life-threatening diseases, including cancer.

    Alcohol affects your self-control. Alcohol depresses your central nervous system, lowers your inhibitions, and impairs your judgment. Drinking can lead to risky behaviors, such as driving when you should’t, or having unprotected s*x.

    Alcohol can kill you. Drinking large amounts of alcohol at one time or very rapidly can cause alcohol poisoning, which can lead to coma or even death. Driving and drinking also can be deadly. In 2003, 31 percent of drivers age 15 to 20 who died in traffic accidents had been drinking alcohol.1

    Alcohol can hurt you--even if you're not the one drinking. If you're around people who are drinking, you have an increased risk of being seriously injured, involved in car crashes, or affected by violence. At the very least, you may have to deal with people who are sick, out of control, or unable to take care of themselves.

    If you really care about your friend you should talk to her about theese risks. hope I helped.

  2. How sad. This is just ruining your friends life. Please tell her to get on the right track now. My niece is 13 and the thought of someone getting drunk at this age horrifies me. Please talk your friend into getting some help. She could be harming herself way beyond knowing.

  3. I did it too... I'm 20 now I just look at it like I got some of my wildness out early but yet I still party like a rockstar!!! tell your friend don't do it she'll go to jail I did 3 times before I was 16  

  4. I recently stopped talking to a friend like that .Look unless you want to be drug down by her, you might want to consider letting her go. I know its a very hard thing to do me its for your own welfare. I always try and help people but today Ive realized you can't solve other people's problems you can give suggestions but that's about it. You can try and say" well I won't ever drink",but  trust me with her influence is a hard thing to resist. Let her go this is coming from someone who just went through it like two or three weeks ago. I'm sorry to say but that's your best bet.  

  5. I think the parents should be reported to Child Services, and their child would be better off in a foster home.  Their neglect is criminal ....

  6. i did the same thing when i was 13 now im 18 and still do it. I have no problem with it at all it so much fun.


  8. A future s**t that no one is going to want besides the diseased infested guys that are twice her age.

  9. Not good. Mostly for the fact if a 13 year old is drinking they probably don't have any supervision, and they can't handle the responsibility.

    I got drunk for my first time at 13, but I didn't actually drink and party.

  10. that's stupid and immature. getting drunk doesn't make you cool, it makes you do stupid stuff.

  11. Sounds like the retards i know

  12. i think it suckes for that person

  13. where are their parents ? it's a sad, scary situation they need some one to explain to them there are a lot of awful things that can happen to her when she drinks ,both physically and mentally there's a lot of wicked evil people that will take advantage of someone so young also ,maybe you could talk to your mom and tell her ,if you don't want her to know who it is just tell her it's just someone you heard about and see if she has any suggestions if you don't care then find out how she can help your friend you are a good friend to be worried ,and it's great that you don't think it's cool to drink and  act foolish   good luck to you

  14. It's illegal, tell your friend you don't want to be around someone that does that, tell her if she wants to stop you'll help her, but if she doesn't, "anonymously" tell someone!!!!!!! its not safe, and she could be seriously hurt.  

  15. Find new company. Or if you really like your friends, you can just say that you don't want to be around them when they do that, or get involved in it. Because then you can get questioned and they will ask you to lie and then you become a snitch etc..

  16. it may surprise you, but its normal.

    13 14 is a little young though.

    most people i know started when they were 15 and in highschool

  17. Beyond sad.

  18. it's a sign of things to come.  bad ones.  reign her in.

  19. it is not a good idea.  I had my very first drink at age 13.  i was a full blown drunk by the time i was 15.  i was a mother by the time i was 17.  i would wake up and wonder how i got there, i had alchol poisining, was raped while drunk, lost jobs, relationships and the respect of my family.  it is not a good idea to start drinking at such a young age.  

  20. That's very upsetting. I wonder what her parents do..  

  21. It's not alright to drink not even as an adult. of course a small glass of red wine isn't a hazard to your health, but a large quantity can harm the liver. i'll eat the liver out and stomach too. trust me, my dead uncle knows. a small glass of red wine a day can keep away some medical problems. if you want some further advice, stop being friends with this girl. it can damage you and your friend, if you can get her to stop, maybe you can continue a friendship with her. Good luck.

    Ta ta,


  22. not a good thing at all, and a good way to start on a serious life of alcoholism

    i would recommend telling your parents about it, if they know the parents of the girl who is drinking, her parents should know about it, so they can try to do something

  23. Speaking from experience... Teen-aged girls getting drunk spells nothing but trouble. You put yourself at risk for a lot of things. Mostly boys taking advantage of you and eventually low self-esteem. Wait until you're old enough to drink responsibly.

  24. It's stupid. What's the point of it? Especially at that age??

  25. sad very sad

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