
14 too old ?!?

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I always wanted to do gymnastics but I kept putting it off,now im 14 almost 15 and really want to start the only thing is I think im like way too old to start and be and good now. Most people start when they are like 5. Im now flexiable or anything like that but I would try is it too late?





  1. do it

  2. no its not too late! i would go for it! start with a beginners class for your age group, and if you keep practicing you will should catch on! good luck :))

  3. You're not too old to start gymnastics! Start by taking a simple class to learn the basics and such. Hopefully you will start progressing.

    Have you ever heard of power tumbling? It isn't all around gymnastics, but it utilizes three events-- trampoline, floor, and double-mini (you've probably never heard of that before. here's a link to an image of one: ). It doesn't take as much flexibility as all around gymnastics and is focused more on strength and power. Tons of older kids that don't have a gymnastics background do it.

    Good luck!

  4. Nah! You're still young! I started gymnastics when I was 4. I did it for 14 years. I quit because I had to start working, and couldn't commit myself to practices with my new busy work schedule. Take a recreational class. Or join your local high school team. You'd be amazed at how many first time gymnasts are on the schools gymnastics team! Just don't expect to be as amazing as people who started when they were little kids. It's really easy to condition your body to move how it needs to when you're little, but a lot more difficult as you get older. So just be careful to not over do it. (But you're only 14... I think you'll be fine).

    Gymnastics is an incredible sport. GO FOR IT!!

  5. It is never to late to do something you think you would enjoy. Give it a go!

  6. I don't think its ever to late to try anything new. It might be quite challenging though. You're going to have to stretch and practice a lot. It also depends on what you're going to be doing gymnastics for. Fun or competition? I used to take it when i was younger too, but quit. I'm almost 15 too and I've also thought about starting some kind of dance or something. The only problem is finding a class with people of your age group. there might be, but there might not be too. You could always start with the younger kids, but you might be a little slower depending on you're capability and you're willingness.

    good luck!

  7. not if you really do want to do it.

    Go for it!

  8. no way. u can always have a chance :-) good luck following your dreams!

  9. i would start it if i were u and i dont think it matters when u start in any age, but if u dont think its right u dont have to, i would prefer u should.

  10. Never too late, i started cheerleading at 15 now i am 17 and won nationals a couple months ago.

  11. well if u wanna do it if ur like 40 then you don't do it but since ur 14 anlmost 15 your still young enough to do it so go for it

  12. It really depends on you. Can you spend five hours each day with a trainer to catch up? Do you have the time and money? And do you have the dedication to keep at it for a good long time? If you can do all that, then I could see you catching up.

  13. its not too late, they probably have different aged classes so u would be with ppl ur age...or they would have beginners class for u and they would still put u with ppl ur age that r also beginners.  they would probably let u try it for free and see if u like it though

    good luck!
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