
15, and still no period..?

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why havent i had my period yet?

Is there something wrong with me?

I have b***s and hair and stuff like that.




  1. I know people say you are lucky and well i agree (its just annoying really) but i know everyone wants to fit in (im 14, so i know where your coming from!) it might just be that you are about to start, or a 'late bloomer' as my mum calls it, or if you are very thin it could stop them starting. if your worried go to the doctor to get checked out, dont be embarrassed, they deal with this sort of thing all the time.

  2. Are you really skinny?

    I started quite late because I was really thin and your body has to have the right amount of body fat to be able to carry a foetus.

    If this is the case, just wait for the tween fats to come, or eat a whole bunch of cream cakes!

    Don't worry about it love, we all start at different times, its completely natural.

    Besides, the longer you're without it the better, theyre horrid!

    Good luck x

  3. Just be patient, every girl is different. You'll be greatful after is starts that is took longer.

  4. it probably runs in the family and your body probably is slow at that sort of stuff i had mine when i was 12 and im 13 now but don't worry it'll come

  5. i didn't get mine until i was almost 17.

    its just different timing for different girls.

    you are still normal.

    Don't worry.

    just be lucky you don't.

  6. Every girl is differnt

    just wait your turn

    it will come =]

    Hope it comes soon

    Good luck

  7. I think you need to go to the  doctor and see what's going on. It's very strange. There might be something wrong with your body. Are you growing a p***s?

  8. u will start when ur body is ready. every girl is different and starts at her own time. having it at 15 or 16 happens and shouldnt be worried about. so no worries. if anything u are lucky. just wait. itll come eventually.

  9. hey.... dnt worry bout it im 16 and still avent had mine lol :P

    i am a bit worrd 2 but sure we could worry 2gether lol

    ter is nthng wrng wit u ter is nthng wrong wit me!!!

    i went 2 da doctor n he z its jst late cmng  dat i should b glad i dnt ave it n i am lol

  10. Don't worry, I didn't start till I was 16. My mum took me for a blood test to find out what was wrong, but when I got home I found out that I'd started. You're lucky, because they are a pain in the bum, almost literally.


  12. for every girl there period starts at different times. mine started when i was 11 and two of my girl mates didnt have theres until they were 16,

    ive added a link that fully explains all about your first periods and added relations

  13. Nothing is wrong with you. You will get them as soon as your body is ready, which it seems to be right now. Normal stuff? If you wasn't normal would you be getting b*****s or getting under hair? No. Well, every girl's body is different and it takes time to get a period, hang on there. It will come when you least expected.

  14. I read in Seventeen that 16 is the age when  you should check with a doctor just to make sure you don't have hormonal issues.

  15. i was 14

    and i was the last one

    and i got teased lmao

    but when thyey were on theres all i heard was omg melissa i hate u ur so lucky.

    so basically live it upandlove it \

    im going on vacation next week and will probably have it -_-

  16. It'll happen eventually.

    Enjoy the time you have left not dealing with the whole mess of it.

  17. be patient not every girl is the same,it will come dont worry,if you are worried go see your doctor but they will tell you the same as me

  18. i agree lucky you!! lol i didnt get mine until i was 16 so just relax....and wait...

    ask your mom and aunts and grandmas when they got theres...that has a lot to do with it as well!

  19. Consider yourself Lucky it hasnt happend yet....You get stomach pain...You cant go in the pool....You have to change it every 3hours....UGH i hate it.....Good luck

  20. you should be happy! lol

    give ur body time it will happen.

  21. There's nothing wrong. Some people don't start til like 18 years old. If you are worried then ask your mother when she started, you will start at a similar age.



  22. You're really lucky although it may not seem like it! I started at twelve (I'm thirteen now) on holiday, in a bikini, in a water park. How unlucky could you get? I was totally prepared at school etc but no my body decides to be difficult and start in a water park (abroad).

    Anyway you are completely normal you may just be slower in puberty than others which in a way is good.

    When you get to sixteen you may want to go to the doctors to be on the safe side but some people don't start until they are eighteen or over.

    Think yourself as lucky at the momment. If you're wishing for them don't - you'll regret you ever wanted them when you get them.

    Hope I helped!

  23. I am in the same situation. I am 15 and have still not started mine.

  24. Your still in the "normal" range... usually 12-16...  But I personally have known people that haven't started until 17/18  

    Are you really skinny? have you been dieting at all? exercising??  all these things for some reason "delay" a period sometimes from coming AT ALL...

    I've known people that started than stopped for 2 years.

    If your worried you can go to a doctor but unless your becoming sexually active ( I DO NOT SUGGEST AT 15 at all)  there's not big deal.  Becoming sexually active might trigger it, but you can still get pregnant JUST SO YOU KNOW even if you don't have your period yet.  

    A doctor might put you on B.C. pills.... those would trigger a period as well.

    But honestly... I would of rather been 15 without it... it's a pain in the rear and don't "rush" to get it if you can.  I'd make sure there is nothing "wrong" by getting checked by a doctor if your worried. but it's not un-normal or anything  

    hope this helps

  25. There is no 'normal' time to start your period. you have started puberty so you're period is not far behind. one of my friends started at 8 while the other started at 18! But if your really worried go and see your gp.

  26. theres nothing wrong. my mom didn't have hers till she was 16

  27. Nope there isn't anything wrong with you. Your not even classed as late until you hit 16. So if you dont have ur period by the time your 16 then see a doctor and he will help you.

    When did ur mom get hers? I was 14 and a half when i got mine. xx

  28. you should have it before your officially and adult (to me its official when the year of your birthday is done)

    you should feel happy you dont have it yet because your stomach will hurt T.T

    and there is stuff you cant do when u get a period

    its only one week a month tho so its not like every second of your life

  29. everyone is different, trust me it'll come there plenty of time


  30. Every girl is different dont worry about it.

    If you're conserned about it talk to your doctor, they can give you medicines to kickstart your periods. I know some girls who waited until they 18 before they kickstarted their periods.

  31. omg your ssooo lucky and trust me you don't want one. and when you get it you will hate them!!!!!!!!!

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