
15 Month Enlistment Opportunities ?

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It's amazing how many people do not know about the new 15 month enlistment option for the US Army. Did anyone else, other than myself, know about this?!

"The Army, faced with a severe and growing shortage of recruits, began offering 15-month active-duty enlistments nationwide, the shortest tours ever. The typical enlistment lasts three or four years; the previous shortest enlistment was two years. Maj. Gen. Michael Rochelle, the head of the Army Recruiting Command, said 2009 could be even worse than this year, a continuation of “the toughest recruiting climate ever faced by the all-volunteer Army.”

Check these sites out:




  1. none of those sites work as its not the full url

  2. While the Army does offer 15 month enlistments, it's actually 15 months active duty plus the time it takes to get through basic training and AIT School. Depending on the school, your total time in the army could vary.

  3. Yeah its actually not that new. I met a few people in basic that had those contracts in 2004. They are really hard to get though and you have a limited choice of jobs.

    How easy or hard they get probably depends a lot of the job you want too. Like if you want to be an 88M it would be a lot easier than if you want to get Dental Specialist. What type of job are you looking to get?

  4. I read somewhere(I can't provide a link,but it might have been on Disinformation) that this is the last measure befor ethe Dod asks for the draft to be reinstated.Not saying this is actually the case,but,in an historical sense,this is sopmething the US government has done when the military has been close to breaking,Of course,the last time was the Civil War.

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