
15year old girls birthday party?

by Guest45081  |  earlier

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What sort of party would you expect a 15 year old girl to have? how many people would be invited? Where would you have it and what sort of stuff would you do? Advice greatly appreciated since I have to throw one on sunday!

3 hours ago - 3 days left to answer.




  1. well you should play 7 minutes in heaven hardy har har

  2. have a house party if your allowed but only with people you trust and know aren't going to wreck your house.

    or maybe rent out a hall, hire a dj and put a buffet up.

    just have a big party :]

    or if you want it more laid back you can just go out with a couple of your mates to the cinema then for a meal then have a girlie sleep over, that's what i did this year because i couldn't be bothered with the hassle of a party.

  3. Well get her involved in the planning of the party as much as possible, Try not to make the party too childish as its likely she might be embarrased and not talk to you for days on end. A safe place to have the party would be in the comfort of your own home so you know where they are and that there safe, Games such as 'Pin the tail on the donkey' & 'Musical chairs' aren't needed unless she wants those games to be played,Normaly the girls will find their own fun so its best to just leave them too themselves. Around 10 to 15 kids is ideal, anymore and things might get a bit out of hand.

  4. It really depends on the girl's interest.  If she's a reserved kind of girl, then maybe she would want only her closest friends to be with her on her birthday.  But if she's the outgoing type then she might want to have a few more acquaitances around. If you have a pool in your backyard then you can make use of it for swimming party and barbecue.  And put up a good sound system from the girl's ipod to get the mood going.  

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