
16 month old throwing food?

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My daughter CONSTANTLY throws her food onto the floor during mealtimes. It is driving me crazy. I know babies do this, but nothing we do makes her stop. I've tried ignoring it, getting cross with her, removing her from the table, etc. but she keeps doing it. My husband went to pick her up at daycare the other day, and they were having snack when he got there, and she was doing it there too! She was the only one throwing food on the floor.

Help!! Anyone else had to deal with this?




  1. The best way to tackle this is - when she starts to throw the food, immediately take the bowl away & don't express your emotions -  leaving her in her highchair, even better , put her in her crib & sit quietly outside. Then after a few minutes, take her back to her chair until she resists tempatation. If all else fails, confiscate one of her favourite toys if she misbehaves & don't lose your temper.

    She'll soon learn that with good behaviour, affection & attention is received.

    good luck

    Jen xx

  2. only give one bite at a time and when she starts to throw it she is saying she is done.

  3. My daughter went through the same stage.  I figured out when she started doing this she was full.  As soon as I noticed, she was starting to throw food on the ground, I would get her out of her highchair or remove her plate.  Eventually, she stopped even attempting it.

  4. My son throws everything.  I have learned to give him just a bite or 2 at a time so he mostly eats them.  There is nothing you can do except ignore it or remove her from the table if it is something that starts after she has already eaten some food.  Maybe she's done eating.

    It is a phase, she will outgrow it or once she understands manners you will be able to apply discipline as needed.  Right now they are just learning cause and effect.

  5. My son did it and it drove me up the wall too.  What finally worked for us (you may have tried it) is removing her plate from the table, but keeping her there with the rest of the family.  Tell her simply that it's not acceptable to throw food and when she's ready to not throw it, she can have it back (but wait a few minutes as well).  It DID work for my son, who after realizing that he was hungry (in watching us eat) the tossing of food stopped.  At daycare have them do the same thing--remove the plate, but keep her at the table.

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