
16 year old - and tattoos?

by  |  earlier

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So I'm 16 and I really want to get a tattoo. Not just any tattoo, a meaningful one. A black rose with thorns, and under or around it to say "Every Rose Has It's Thorn" meaning that no one is perfect, everyone has their flaws.

I told my mom I wanted a tattoo and she laughed and told me to talk to my dad about it. He, himself has a lot of tattoo's and he said that he will talk to her about it and said maybe.

How can I convince them? I see nothing wrong with getting this tattoo since it is meaningful and kind of matches my style/personality. It'd look good on me haha.

Oh yeah and where should I get it? I was thinking either my shoulder blade or hip or something..

By the way people at my school have tattoo's as well, some mean things and some don't so don't say that no 16 year old has a tattoo lol.




  1. Its good that you talked to your parents about it first and if you could live with that rose on you the rest of your life then i think you should get it personally i would get that on my rib cage (but i wouldn't suggest a first timer get it there lol) so maybe on your side above your hip like right above the pant line that would be hella cute! lol and i wouldn't bring up the grade thing when you are trying to convince your mom at least not in that way and don't whine it only shows immaturity try telling her that you have thought out your design and a tattoo is a window into the soul and it gives the world around you a chance to know your personality and it deflects those who can only see skin deep.  and tell her that it would help you express who you are and talk to your dad more DONT 'BUG but i mean sit down and talk I'm sure since he has tattoos he could at least back you up! good luck! and if you do get it post it! its gonna be cute!!

  2. Are there places that will do tattoos on teenagers younger than 18? I thought you had to show ID to be able to have one!

    Remember once you have it done you have it for life unless you get laser treatment which is expensive and can be painful.

    Get it in a place that doesn't show a lot. Not all employers like tattoos so if they are really obvious they may make up some excuse not to employ you. Also remember you skin tends to 'sag' as you get older so what you have done now may not look the same in 50 or so years!

    Think really carefully before you do it and don't go against your parents because if something does go wrong they're the ones that will be helping you!

  3. well tell them if they let you get the tattoo you will try your hardest in school. and i would recommend the tattoo to be at your left or right shoulder blade.

  4. At 16, you are probably too young.  Think it through before you do it.  I'm all about tattoos with meaning at any age (well not quite any), but in your teens you tend to be impulsive.  Tattoo's are permanent and what looks good now, may not in 20 years.  I had planned to get a tat on my 18th birthday and a psycho friend ended up getting the exact thing I wanted in the exact place I wanted it 5 days before.  She is now stuck with it permanently, and at 24 I'm glad I didn't get it.  Plus the placement of it would have stretched it out when I was pregnant, which I'm sure she will find that out when she has children!  Think it through, don't do it just to be cool.  Do it because it has a LOT of meaning, so you won't wake up 5 years from now regretting it.

  5. There really is no way to convince them- you're 16 years old and live under their roof. I'm 17, I know it sucks.

    Most tattoo parlors won't even let a 16 year old walk into the shop. Any GOOD place won't tattoo you. And who knows, you might hate the idea when you're 18+.

    So, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but take it from another teenage girl who's dying for some body mods herself- just wait it out.

    That's the best you can do really, unless you wanna get a job, move out and support yourself. But legally you can't do that .

    PS- I think shoulder blade is best.. Hip skin might sag with age therefore making the tattoo gross looking.

  6. then why not wait till your 18?

  7. Or meaning you like Poison at the moment.

    I guess you've been watching Rock of Love huh?

    If you get it because you got good grades on a test, ...thats not very meaningful.

    It'll look better later if you wait.

    And having a tattoo doesn't make you mature.

    But you're probably going to get what you want anyway since your dad has tattoos.

    If you get it on your hip and have kids, it's gonna be a big rose later.

    If its a black rose, when you're 70 it'll look like a faded black blob. Since your shoulders normally get a lot of sunlight, your shoulder blade might not be the way to go either.

  8. Just keep your grades up and that should be a good enough reason for them.

    and i LOVE that tatoo idea and i think you should put it on your hip.


          SO YOu Better Back Off Because BILL Is MINE !  lol

  9. Patience grasshopper. Wait until you're 18 and you can do what you want.

  10. wait 2 years and if you still want it go for it

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