
18 MONTH OLD drinking juice.....?

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I have a 17.5 month old son, when he drinks his juice, water etc he will only drink it warm, he wont have it the slight bit cold! Now i think when he was younger and they said to give him cool boiled water, it was always slightly warm, so it's probably my fault for that, but i never thought it would be an issue for him to have cold or at least slightly cold drinks! He just spits it straight back out! I really don't know what to do, it's a pain as when we're out he hardly drinks as his drinks aren't warm enough! Has anyone else experienced this if so how'd you deal with it? I have tried gradually getting colder with the drinks and it doesn't work, i have tried just leaving him with cold drinks as an only option for a drink, that doesn't work either and he becomes constipated with lack of fluid! HEEEELP!! :)




  1. why would it matter if he likes it warm, take along juice in a small container and serve it to him right out of the bottle. Maybe he's sensitive to cold liquid I know that I am

  2. There are a lot of kids that have issues with certain textures, tastes, temperatures.  For some reason it just must taste better to him to have it warm.  I wouldn't worry too much - I always give my son warm juice and water because it's just easier than trying to remember to put it in the fridge!  Just be patient with him and do the best you can to accomodate him.  When going out for dinner they probably won't have much at room temp other than water, but you could probably ask them to warm up a drink for him - or maybe he can just always have hot chocolate.  Maybe it is left over from cutting teeth and he just associated the cold with pain.

    Good luck!

  3. If he likes it warm, let him drink it warm. Kids can drink juice mixed with water, so just mix the cold juice from the fridge with warm tap water.

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