
18 and looking for an apartment?

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i will be 18 june of 2009 and i am already looking at apartments. my biggest concern is if someone is even going to rent an apartment to me at my age. i am responsible. looking for a job at the moment to start saving up, going to attend college after i get an apartment. i do not party. or do drugs. cant have bad credit because i dont have a card (lol) please someone give me their input on all this. THANK YOU!!!




  1. to rent an apartment you need a job first.  most will not rent to anyone without a job.  no income, no rent.  you are only 17 and probably still in school.  don't hurry life.  get into college and start there.  you can live in the dorm for the first year, make friends and then get an apartment with a room mate.

    good luck

  2. Someone will have to cosign with you. Such as your parents or another adult with credit.

  3. Just make sure it is a place that you like, if you leave out on a lease early, it can turn your non-credit standing into Bad credit, which never really goes away. Most places (apartment settings) will accept you, I can't think of anyone that wouldn't. If you have a problem w/ those go to a private renter, there are tons.

  4. Confused

    You are looking for a job, and want to have an apartment and go to college! You need to think about conserving your money for college. Is there any way that you can stay with Mom and Dad while you go? If so, you need to think very seriously about doing just that! You say that you can't have bad credit as you do not have a card. Have you ever taken out a loan and paid it back? If not, then you have no credit history, so your credit rating, is not good either! College is expensive, so you need to conserve every bit of money that you can, to help pay for it. You can get student loans yes. But it takes a long time to pay them back! My daughter is in her sixteenth year of teaching and has just now paid off her student loans. She lived here at home and went to a good local college, With a high ranking for a teaching college and she paid for, as much as she could as she went. She started working and saving from the time she was 14 on. I am not trying to discourage you, just trying to help you understand that while moving out of Mom and Dads may sound like fun, that is expensive also. My son has a degree in Architecture and just paid his off two years ago! Again he lived here at home until he graduated!

    I wish you all the luck in the world, just don't be in too big a hurry, to move into an apartment, by yourself too soon!

  5. Depends on where you are.  My town has many empty apartments since the former apartment dwellers are the ones who are able to buy houses in this market.

    Where I am moving from (to my new home), my landlord has 2 places open that she can't find anyone for.  And it is nice and in a great location.

  6. Well, it sounds to me like you have your life going in the right direction, well done.

    However, I do believe that looking for an apartment right now is a bit extreme. Your priority at the moment should be school, then after your final year go to university. The best thing to do is to use a university dorm for your first year, that way you can develop close relationships with fellow peers. Then after that first year, you can look into moving into an apartment with a friend who attends the same university.

    Maintaining your own apartment would be a lot too stressful in your first year of university, I say go for a dorm room in your first year, then go for your apartment in your second year with someone you know and trust. That's what my cousin did and it worked out really well! By living in a dorm your first year you have time to settle in and not worry about silly little things :)

    Good luck and I wish you all the best in life :)

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