
18 month olds question ?

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ok so I'm potty training my son and hes doing good so far sometimes he pees 4x a day in the potty or sometimes just once. but anyways he knows when he needs to pee because he pulls on his pull up or he says i potty. but that's not my issue.

when he is peeing or just sitting on the potty he pulls on his pee pee, what do i do to stop this so he don't get pee on him or where ever he aims it?

also he don't eat much for me he rather play but after he gets down from the table he comes back asking for cookies and when i put him back in his seat he says no. (cookies as being pop sicle or a cookie)

i know i should not force him to eat but he needs to eat, what do i do about this?

and if he wont sit still for a time out is it ok to put I'm in his room for a time out ?

he has a habit of throwing toys at us and we tell him that hurts but it don't stop him is it ok to take that toy away for a while?

and also a habit of climbing on the table we take him down and tell him no you can get a ouchies, what do i do about this?




  1. About the potty training:  I only have girls, but have friends who have boys.  It sounds like what he is doing is perfectly normal.  It is just a phase.  But it might help if you keep reminding him that he needs to keep his pee pee in the potty.

    Have you tried gerber puffs?  They look like cheesies, but are a healthy snack.  If for some reason my youngest daughter (who is 20 months) won't eat, I make sure that she has some puffs.  She never turns them down.  They come in veggie flavour and zesty tomato flavour.

    It is okay to take his toys away for a while.  When you are taking them away, make you look at him and tell him why you are taking the toy away.

    Climbing on the table:  my daughter and my niece are great at this.  However, I just keep reinforcing that they can't climb up there and take them down.  Now, when I catch them climbing I just say "Down" very firmly, and they know they need to get down.

    Good luck!

  2. There's not really anything you can do to stop your son doing this-he is very young to be potty trained so is still discovering his body. Remember most boys don't become fully potty trained until they are at least 3 years old!

    A baby of his age won't starve himself-he'll eat when he's hungry so don't worry. My 19 month old is going through a non-eating phase right now too but it won't last.

    He is very young to be disciplined using a time out so yeah, as long as he is safe, his room is a good option or a play pen if you have it (dont use his cot though as he will then start to associate sleeping with punishments). Taking the toys away is a good idea yes. I'm at a loss with the table as my son won't sop doing it himself!!!

  3. how funny my daughter is the same way.  she doesnt seem to want to eat her food.  yet when were eating chips or cookies she wants to eat. i think she just wants junk food. also she loves throwing her toys are our faces it hurts so bad. i tell her to stop and she does it again smiling lol. shes 15 months old. shes so hyper also.  my daughter also climbs on everything and thing she see's i have to watch her good. cuz she is soo hyper.  the only thing i see a prob with as for me also. is the junk food thing. i think we have to hide them. that way they'll eat their food more. cuz they know were going to have the junk food for later so instead they choose not to eat.

  4. hey I have a 18 month old too. My son would never eat when I would give him food so I would limit his drinks during the day and if at dinner he did not eat what I was giving him then I would wrap it up and put it aside. Believe me if he is hungry enough he will eat also don't let him drink his whole cup of whatever you give him because that fills them up fast! My son would start whining about a 1/2 hour later and I would put him back in his seat and he would eat.  But when it comes to the potty he doesn't really understand what that thing is so just tell him its his pee pee or which Ever word you use and tell him that if he keeps playing with it he will get pee everywhere and big boys need to learn to get it in the potty remember kids learn by repetition if u keep telling him he will understand.

    If he throws his toys at you remember not to laugh! Throwing and hitting is usually for attention DON'T GIVE IT i mean you need to be stern and say NO but don't give into him (easier said then done)  

  5. I agree with the first answer. This is such a young age for potty training just be happy he's doing it at all. Playing with their genitals is normal for small children (and again when their teenagers), it feels good. Boys do it much more as its easier for them to discover and hold onto a p***s than it is for girls to get to - well anything.

    Just trying taking his hand away and say "messy" or the such since you don't want him to pee on himself but you don't want to teach that's it bad to touch in general.

    He'll eat when he's hungry. I'm just wondering how he gets down from the table? Isn't he in a high chair or booster seat? Doesn't it have a seat belt? Or does he undo it?

    Don't give into the request for a cookie. When he's hungry he'll eat, I promise.

    Yes take away anything he throws and repeat NO!

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