
1st time pill-taker question...?

by  |  earlier

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Hi I'm debating to myself about if I was wrong in taking the pill:

I woke up and saw some stains on my pjamas so I went up and changed and took the 1st pill. Then I realize that it was maybe around friday,10pm that I started bleeding but I took the pill around satuday,1am.

The packet said to take the pill the FIRST DAY of menstruation. I started my period friday around 10pm, but I took pill the moment I woke up 3 hrs later, saturday 1am.

I'm worried that I might be wrong in taking it and should have not taken the pill at all. Please enlighten me?




  1. When you first start taking the pill it can cause you're menstration to come and long as you are taking one each day, you will be fine...try to take them around the same time each day (first thing in the AM or right before bed to help you remember)  if the bleeding comes and goes dont worry about it, you're body needs to get used to this new hormone and will soon be more regular!

  2. Don't worry - I think it would be best describeded as 'within the first 24 hours'. For example, if you were to start your period at 10 AM and took the pill at 1 PM, do you think it would've made a difference? And if you started at 10 AM and took the pill at 11:59 that night, would it have been any different than if you took it at 12:01 the next day? Your body doesn't understand the concept of the 24-hour 'day' as starting and ending exactly at midnight.

  3. what i dont understand the question why are u taking it theres nothing wrong with you your having ur period and dont take it at 1 in the morning unless ur gonna take it at 1 every morning i dont believe this question fake fake fake

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