
2 Questions in 1?

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Okay so #1-

- Tell me the most interesting thing that you have ever heard. Nothing like bad or anything but something interesting.

And #2-

- What is a smart house?

I know those have nothing in common at all but........




  1. 1. "I'm going to name my identical twins Heaven and Nevaeh! It's cute because it's the same name but spelled backwards; and I mean, who wants to give their childrent they're own personal identity anyways? *crazy laugh*"----> LOL

    2. A smart house is a house that has all these gidgets and gizmos that can do stuff. Like you can command it. "Kitchen, make pancakes". And it'll do it! Awesome.

  2. 1. every two seconds a barbie doll is sold. now that's interesting.

    2. a house that has a lot of gadgets and c**p. so if you say "make my bed" it will do it. i think they only exist on t.v. and in movies tho.

  3. #1- (it is a saying) Every 60 seconds that you send mad or sad is 1 minute of happiness in your life that you will never get back.

    #2- Smart House is a movie on Disney Channel about a house that does everything for you (if it is not try going to
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