
2 amps Question?

by  |  earlier

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Im a little confused on this concept.

Alright, I have a 4 gauge power wire running to my amp right now for my subs. So i buy a distributor and connect the current power wire to it along with the new one. Now what do i do with the remote turn on wire. And RCAs. I only have 2 on my head unit. Using 1 for subs. and theres only 1 more, but i wanna use a 4 channel amp




  1. as for the remote, u cannot hook it up to the other amp...u have to get a relay...if u try to hook up both remotes to one it will mess ur system up and/or it wont even work cause that one amp already takes a certain amount of power to turn on...the relay isnt that much....u only need two sets of  rca outputs for two amps even if it is a 4 channel

  2. Run a jumper from one amp to the other for remote.You need y jacks for your rca's
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