
2 month old insomniac

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My 2 month old fights sleep so bad.. he takes 6 oz just to get to bed only to scream as soon as i put him down!! ive tried a mobile and rocking him.. he just cries until hes had like 8 oz then he pukes almost all of it up.. i asked the doc what to do and he just said feed him some rice cereal, for every oz add a tsp to his formula.. but isnt that like proven to be bad for them?? oh and he refuses to lay flat so he has to sleep in his carseat. For some odd reason our pediatrician WONT see if its acid reflux, just shruggs it off and says give him cereal.. he even said to give him water when he had diareha which made it even worse..




  1. Is it a baby boy ? I notice baby boy eat quick a lot. I remember my elder son drink 12oz in 3 hours at night before he can really get into sleep. That means I feed him 4oz each hour before he sleep.

    Your son might be feeling unsecure and he wants u to comfort him. If u got no choice, I think u have to carry him and put him on top of your body then you sleep.

  2. You REALLY need to get another pediatrician. Sorry but yours is a quack! It does sound like reflux. Try and elevate the crib mattress by placing something under it to prop it up a little. Also try a swing, being upright and the gentle motion might lull your little one to sleep but really, you need another doctor asap.

  3. You need to get another pediatrician and quick.  I don't really believe in the reflux thing, but whatever you do, do NOT give him cereal.  His digestive system is far too young to handle anything like that.  It can and will lead to diarreah and other problems.

    It could just be his fussy time.  Many babies go through that, especially at night and there may not be anything you can do about it.  If he's not hungry (with eating 6oz. I don't see how he could be,) wet/dirty, hot/cold or whatever then maybe colic? Its just hard to say.

  4. OMG! we are going thru the same thing!! Im really starting to think that something else is wrong with her. she will nod all day long and sleep for 5mins off and on throughout the whole day. BUT THE KILLING PART IS SHE WONT SIT ANY WHERE BUT IN MY ARMS and she wont go to sleep until twelve mid. we give herwarm baths and massage her we even play jazz music. im at my wits end if you find anything out please let me know o i also put a little ceral and it gave her dierreah so dont do it

  5. Yes, best to get a second opinion.  It sounds to me like your baby is suffering from colic n reflux.  I too had to put my son to sleep in his car capsule the first few nights as he was upright and slept for about 2 n a half hrs at a stretch, but if I lay him flat he would wake every hr or so.  He needs to burp many, many times before he can go off to sleep.  My son is 6 weeks n 4 days now.  My other son who is 6 yrs, had reflux and I put him on formula coz as soon as I breastfed him, he would throw up most n sometimes all of the milk.  After a few months of being on formula, the reflux went away.  It was suggested to me to make the formula extra watery when they had diahorrea, it worked for my kids, but I guess each child is different;-)  But it sounds like colic, but best to get a second opinion from a professional.  All the best, cheers

  6. I suggest getting a second opinion from another pediatrician, because most doctors will tell you it's a choking hazard to put cereal in your baby's bottle.

    And it's ok for him to sleep in his car seat for now, my son did the same thing because that is the only way he was comfortable. But if you want to put him in his crib propped up, put a pillow underneath the mattress so it props up the top of it. I do that when my son is stuffed up. It elevates him without using loose pillows that could suffocate him.

    But definitely get a second opinion in case it is acid reflux.

  7. First off CHANGE DOCTORS second thing is it could be colic or you are over feeding him  try a different formula the formula he is on could be hurting his belly next thing is feeding and burp him slow and often Hope you get help and answers for this problem you are having crying babies are a rough thing  
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