
2 politic questions!! urgent!!! help!!!?

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1.Should politicians be accountable for all their actions, for example, if a department is under scrutiny for any particular reason, should the Minister of that particular department be held accountable for the wrong doings of the department as a whole?

2.What are your thoughts on crown corporations considering the fact that it creates an unfair competitive advantage against private enterprises?




  1. 1.  No.  They should be able to dodge responsibility as they have done most of the time in the past by white washing the entire problem.  It is one of the perks of being a part of the ruling elite, and a tradition.  What will you be asking for next?  That they actually get something accomplished or work for the common good?

    2. You start with the bad assumption that government is fair, and the equally bad assumption that they want to compete and provide quality service.  Who is asking these silly questions?   Have they never encountered real government before or something?  Ok.. back to the question.. If you are a part of government, then crown corporation are not a problem , they are great and make many more of them.  This is because it gives the government more power.  If you are a citizen, then they are bad and get rid of all of them.  Unless you are the type of citizen that believes that government owes you a living and goods, in which case, make everything a crown corporation.

    In short, there is no wrong answer for #1 or #2.   Both are asking for your opinion.  It is simply practice writing.  Write something and you are done.

  2. I would love to give you my sons answer to these same two questions he had for school, but that would not be fair to you, in learning how to research and write up the answers yourself. Good Luck.

  3. 1. politicians SHOULD be accountable for all their actions but they should be held accountable in INDIVIDUAL terms unless more people were involved or aware of what was going on and didn't do nothing. America is an individualistic country where every person is accountable for their own actions. Unless the department is clearly involved in that crime, then ONLY that politician accountable should be held accountable for the crime, while their supervisor should be either given a warning or be investigated to see if he was involved as well, and if matters get worse, fire him.

    2. Crown corporations operate under freedoms granted by the constitution. And remember, for the sake of national security and prosperity, all violations or unfair business actions from the governments that CLEARLY violate or inhibit the personal freedoms granted by the constitution, undergo STRICT SCRUTINY (subjects under strict scrutiny are investigated very closely, and to be upheld, such action must be for a very strong reason and purpose) under the Supreme Court. The american government has many state and federally regulated monopolies such as U.S. Mail for example. To compete with U.S. mail, UPS and FEDEX have to undergo many more difficulties and obstacles that the american government intentionally puts in their way to protect their own investments. In a way, the government protects their businesses, even if it needs to harm private businesses to do so.

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