
2 turtles, 2 weeks?

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im getting two mississippi map turtles in two weeks and i wanna now some more about them like how old do they have to be to mate and will they mate or are they easy to mate and if so what do i do with the eggs ?




  1. turtles mate when they are old enough. as for the eggs just make sure where the MOTHER turtle puts them and dont remove it, just make sure that the egg is safe and is not harmed!


    You will find lots.

  3. I usto own one they are fun turtles to have they just like sliders...usually 3 to 5 years of age they can breed.They will sometimes flare there mouth at you.Good Luck

  4. They will not mate till 5 yrs of age and you need alot of stuff to do this..

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding..

    I have had two Sliders for 36 yrs now plus a 8 yr old and a 5 yr old..

    I have had them in a 150gal pond for about 6 yrs now..

    **Here is some important and a lot of info. If he or she is small get feeder guppies or small feeder goldfish, frozen brown worms ..even meal worms. For the lil guys you may have to cut up there food.

    **Red-eared sliders, Gender especially juveniles, can be difficult to s*x. Gender in adults is determined by external physical characteristics and behavior. Males have longer fore claws (which are use in courtship), a longer tail length. Males are smaller in  size and shell length.  Turtles are considered juveniles till after 5 yrs old.

    They will do a dance and the males have long front nails to hold hi gals hands..if she does not take to him within an hr take her out and try again in a few days.

    Use a 30 gallon tank.  Keep the water warm but shallow (About 5 inches), since during the mating the male might get so concentrated that he might forget that the female has to go out for breathing!.It is advisable during pregnancy to keep the female separate from the male, so that she will not get disturbed so much.  You should handle her ONLY when absolutely necessary.  Keep the water very clean and give her enough space.  Heating is also very important as they will spend a lot of time basking to warm themselves and the eggs inside.  You might notice a change in the appetite of the female, she might refuse to eat.  This is normal.  Nevertheless, continue offering her food and consider a dietary change, she might feel inclined to eat certain things only.

    Nesting area..Prepare a 20 gallon tank with about 4 inches of potting soil or soil/vermiculite mixture.

    You should start to observe the eggs more carefully about 80 to 85 days after they had been laid.  Hatching time is comming!  Once the time comes, the hatchings will cut the egg shell with something called the egg tooth, which falls out about an hour later and never grows back.  If they don't feel secure, they will remain inside their shells.  Do not try to take them out until they have come out on their own. (they might not come out until the following day).   Once they come out, you will notice a small sack hanging out of their bellies. This is the yolk sac that fed them while they were incubating.  DO NOT try to remove this egg sac, trying to remove it can kill the baby turtle.  It is better to wait that it drops on its own.  Once it drops, you will notice a split in the plastron.  This will heal by itself too, you don't need to treat it.

    with a dry land area and a shallow water area.  Newborns need to master the art of floating and staying underwater for long periods of time.  Don't assume that they will survive only with water.  Newborn red-eared sliders can actually drown if you neglect them a dry land area. Once they are set up in their tank start feeding them.  It is important to get them to eat.  Start by offering them one by one all items on the proper slider diet.  Note:  You might have to 'chop' all of the food you offer since they are small babies.   This includes choping earthworms, mealworms, crickets.  I know, this sounds disgusting but believe me, Ok this all ya need.

    generally inm May to June they mate..eggs hatch 80 to 90 days later...
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