
2 year old with temper issues.

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my son is 2 and he gets mad at everything. he yells and hits himself and his toys he throws things please help?




  1. The biggest thing that you can do is stay calm to set a good example and not escalate the situation. My twin sons will be 3 this month and I swear they are tantrum kings! If they're throwing things and yelling, etc, sometimes I just ignore them. If they hit someone or get to the point of breaking things, they are in big trouble and have a nice long time out. This is the age where your child is trying to establish control and power, and that's the only way they really know how. When my kids start doing that, I tell them I am not going to talk to them or listen to them until they calm down. It's totally normal, but that doesn't make it any easier! I won't lie, I've lost my temper a few times, but there are also times when I have to hold back my laughter. I mean, really, who throws a full blown tatnrum because they can't have fishticks at 6am? LOL just hang in there, it will get easier eventually.

  2. Oh what a fun age!!! Hang in there! Let him go through his tantrum. Things will get better when he relizes you are not going to give in to him.

  3. Oh, the terrible 2's. How I remember those days very well. It will pass, in time. Just try not to pay any attention to him when he's having these temper tantrums. And keep an eye on him so he won't hurt himself. It's something every child goes threw too. There isn't anything wrong with your son. And there isn't much you can do for him either.

  4. Man I feel ya on this one. My son has been doing this since just after he turned one. I realized the more attention I pay to him during his fits the more he does it. He's just about to turn two and his fits are actually dying down now that he realizes it won't get him attention. Just hang in there and try not to get frustrated. It'll get better.

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