
20 gaqllon tank???????

by Guest34103  |  earlier

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2 neons, 3 guppys, 1 goldfish, 1 zebra danio, 2 platys, can i put anything else?




  1. get more neon tetras as they belong in a school of 5 or more.

  2. The goldfish should not be in there, it is a coldwater fish, the rest are tropical. It will potentially eat its tankmates as it grows and one goldfish needs a 20g to itself minimum anyway.

    After you've rehomed the goldfish, get 5-6 more neons as they need a shoal, the danio also needs company of its own kind. If you have male/female guppies then they will stock the rest of the tank for you.  

  3. Goldfish are coldwater fish and aren't really compatible with your other tropical fish, so I would suggest finding a new home for him. Neons and danios are schooling fish that prefer to be in groups of 6 or more. If you get rid of the goldfish and add more neons and danios your tank will be fully stocked.  

  4. Yes. BUT why do you have goldfish in with tropical fish? 1. The tropical fish require heat. 2. Goldfish produce alot more waste than those littler fish which creates more ammonia than the tropical fish can handle. You need to lose the goldfish, clean upo your tank and get a heater.  

  5. You can add a female betta ( I love them, they have personality ), do NOT add a male betta because he will attack fish with longer fins (guppies). If you do this, I would suggest making sure the betta isn't very aggressive before putting it in your main tank.

    You can also add a bottom feeders like loaches and corys.

    Warning about bottom feeders, they don't have scales so if theres a problem in your tank, you can't use most medication or can only use very small doses which makes it take alot longer. My fish got external parasites and since I didn't have a hostpital tank right away, I couldn't do anything because medication would kill the loaches ( One loach costs more than the whole tank put together minus the loaches for me)

    I also recommend getting more tetras because they like to be in larger groups (4-6+)

    do not overstock unless your planning to do very frequent water changes and have a very good filteration and air supply. Do not overfeed.

  6. try to get 3 or 4 neon tetras because they like to hang around in a group Otherwise they may become fin nippers .just get them othewise your goldfish wont have their tail

  7. rule of thumb is 1 inch fish per 1 gal of water.  Take out the goldfish.

  8. yes you can. maybe two dwarf frogs, or three or four otos.  watch your goldfish closly though, hes a coldwater fish, and might not survive long in a tropical tank, and he will get big fast, but other than that, yes you have room for a few more fish...
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