
2004 ford focus problem

by Guest56488  |  earlier

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locked the keys in the car... how can i get in?? any ideas?




  1. Sometimes the local police will help.

    But if they won't I'm sorry to say that a call to a locksmith or roadside service is going to be $50-$60

    If you know your 4 digit key code ( used to cut a key) it might be cheaper.

    I hope this helps.

  2. Either call locksmith or towing company or call the dealership up and see what it costs for a new key to be made up bec it might be worth while to just get another key made.Keep in mind that the dealership will require your ownership or vin numbers off your vehicle at least.

    By the way don't sweat it bec it happens to everybody at some point of time , just try to not panic and think it through to your best advantage that suits your needs best.

    Hope that helps and best of luck.By the way what you could try doing is seeing if and when a tow truck is dispatched or ends up your way that they drop by bec that can be cheaper if you're willing to wait some companies will offer you a deal, especially if a small privately owned towing company.

  3. It will probably be cheaper to put the window out so u can open car from inside.

  4. Get a locksmith

  5. Wedge a rubber doorstop in at the top of the drivers side door. Hammer it down to open enough space to get a coat hanger in there.

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