
3 Week Old Kitten HELP!!!!!!!!?

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I just rescued a 3 week old kitten... she has been with her mom up until yesterday, when the mother just decided to abandon her... so i took her in... I need help though! I already got her eating from a bottle, but i can't get her to use the restroom... i know you're supposed to rub their butt like their mother does, but she won't go!! Any suggestions about that or anything else that I'll need to know!! Like, when she'll be able to use the restroom herself, start eating solid foods...stuff like that... Thank you so much in advance!




  1. What I do is take a wash cloth and use warm water and gently stimulate the r****m and eventually it will go. At that age they usually pea a lot and then when they get older is when they start to p**p a lot. I know how frustrating it is to take care of abandoned kittens for I am doing the same with a couple of abused kittens. Good luck and God Bless.  

  2. When I have been helping with tiny kittens, I used a WET cloth or paper towel, and they usually go right away (1+2).

    edit: Also do not continuously feed them when they cry. They will eat more than they should if you force them and will get sick. Follow the serving direction on the kitten milk container. Sometimes they want to suckle for comfort, but are not hungry.

  3. I don't think rubbing her butt will help, I think that's how the mother cat cleans up after them. Try massaging her tummy a few minutes after you feed her with the bottle, but be sure you do that in a clean litter box to help train her because she might not use one if you don't. Once she goes take her paw and show her how to bury it. She should be ready for solid food in a couple of weeks, once her teeth come in. I would recommend when you start feeding her solids, that you get hard kitten food and soak it in the milk you've been feeding her to make it soft, it should help to develop her digestive system. Once she starts eating the mixture I would start putting less milk in it so she can get used to eating dry food as it is so much better for their teeth than moist or canned food. Good luck with your little one, I hope this advice was helpful.

  4. Stimilate her rump by using a cotton ball in a circular motion.

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