
3 days ago i started college?

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The first day i freaked out and had to go to the counselors office because i couldnt transition myself past the summer and highschool.I happen to be a gamer but i ran into some problems... i started playing starcraft when i got home then when it came time for my normal studies i just couldnt focus at all so i talked to my mom but i only got a tiny was about 10:00p.m. when i realized college was a needed skill to live but i am just a failure. please someone who knows about college or can help me survive this year.




  1. Uninstall, hand the disks to mom and tell her to hide it till summer vacation.

  2. The best way to study is to get out of your room to avoid temptations - go to a quiet part of the library, or better, to a boring empty classroom where people go to study.

    Relax - college is a tough transition for lots of people. You'll get the hang of it. Do you have any friends? Can you make friends with anyone in your dorm (if you're in one)?

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