
30-course dinner?

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I'm turning 30 next year and am planning on celebrating with a 30-course dinner. I've heard of them before, but never what they entail. Has anyone here ever been to one or know of any websites that might have the menu of one?





  1. I've never heard of them, so can't help too much...but, years ago, I went to a New Year's Eve party (we were actually staying with the host for a few days prior & after) and he prepared everything in miniature!  It was amazing.  What stand out in my mind was the mini eggs benedict & the mini cheese cakes.  And I do mean mini!  They were just one bite each.  I remember he used an eye dropper to insert the egg yolk into a little bit of egg white.  The cheesecakes were about the size of a single piece of candy.  He used little pastry cutters to cut cookies for the crust.

    After that, my memory gets foggy.  Maybe it was from the ice on the ground that caused a fall in the midnight football game!  First of the year & dubbed the Toilet Bowl!  LOL.

  2. Man, I would love to go to that party! You'd probably have to make it an all day event with small portions leading up to your main course.

  3. never heard of that. i would suggest tapas if you are going to eat that much

  4. For that many courses, you might want to have "appetizers" for each one...and just plate them really nicely.   Bite-sized cream puff dough filled with chicken salad;  Rumaki;  a small piece of salmon;  watercress salad;  etc....  don't forget a sorbet as a palate-cleansing course too!  ... If you serve bite-sized portions, and separate courses for meats, veggies, soup, salad, desserts (coffee & cake and then a chocolate truffle/strawberry and cordial), you could probably spread it out that much........  Have fun!

  5. There's a restaurant in Chicago that specializes in a 30 + course tasting meal (it lasts about 4 hours and consists of mostly bite-sized courses.  (The chef was on Iron Chef if that helps.)  Unfortunately I don't remember the name of it.  Try Googling Chicago Fine Dining.

  6. What a great idea.  Will it be served - that would be more a buffet right?  A 3 course-meal for example, suggests it comes in stages served by someone?

  7. If you're doing this at home by yourself, you might need to rent dishes & someone to help clean up!  That sounds like a whole lot of dirty dishes!

  8. I've never heard of this before but it sounds awesome

  9. This link has a lady that went to a 30-course dinner and blogged about it. Enjoy! :)
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