
33 weeks pregnant, and anemic.?

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I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my first child, and I found out at my last appointment 4 weeks ago that I'm anemic. I didn't feel it at the time, but in the 4 weeks since I've found out, I've been very very tired for no reason, which I'm sure being in my third trimester plays a huge part in that as well, I feel kind of dizzy at work (I stand for 6-8 hours straight), and last week my vision started to get blurry while I was at work. I was just wondering if anyone who is or has been anemic during their pregnancy could share their experiences, just so I know what I should or can expect for the remainder or my pregnancy, and if anyone had to have a blood transfusion after giving birth. Thanks so much!




  1. take your iron for sure my iron was super duper low with my daughter and when i had her i had to get two blood transfusions

    now im 8 months with a baby boy and im anemic again and i do take iron it just dosent go up at all so yea hopefully you wont have to go through what i did and i wont have to go through it again it sucked  

  2. Did the doctor prescribe you iron pills? Mine did, but the constipation is awful with them and I was already constipated, so he told me to take 2 flintstone vitamins a day. I too was tired, dizzy and had blurrey vision. Everything was fine at delivery though, very normal delievery, only pushed 3 times and she was a healthy 7lbs 6oz. That was my 4th and last child...i got smart and got my tubes tied.

  3. You need extra iron and that will make a big difference!  I do not recommend =iron pills because of the constipation - the last thing you need while pregnant and close to delivering (makes labor harder).  If you eat foods high in iron, you will feel a difference in your energy levels and it won't make you constipated  :-)

    -Enriched breakfast cereals

    - Cooked beans and lentils

    - Pumpkin seeds

    - Figs

    - Blackstrap Molasses (or regular molasses)  this is my personal favorite because it is easy to eat alone or with bread.  And it is easily absorbed by your body!

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