
360 Profile Question?

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How do I make my 360 profile picture? I want my full avatar in it. The entire body.




  1. It takes a little shuffle and dance to do this.. but you can do it.

    Yahoo started allowing us to download our avatars to our computers so we could use them wherever on the net we wanted to a while back..

    This is how folks are getting the avatars which show the entire avatar .. toes to head.

    Go to the Avatar home page

    and look in the lower right hand corner. of the page and click onto the option to download your avatar..

    Then from the options of what file type to download.. choose Large Jpg avatar and download it to your computer.

    Then go back to your My Page and open your personal pictures edit page and upload the Avatar to those picture.. then save and return and choose as priority.. and save.

    Here in answers just pick the option to use your 360 id image as your answers image..

    That is how they do that..

  2. If you mean getting the entire avatar to show in Yahoo! Answers as well as Yahoo! 360, you will have to do the following:

    STEP #1: Activate your Yahoo! 360 account.

    While logged into a yahoo service (mail, answers, whatever), type in your web browser's address field (or just type 360 in a Yahoo! toolbar). Start creating your 360 space from there. Click the BIG YELLOW "Get Started" BUTTON on the far right section of that page. When you are done with the activation process, click "Yahoo! 360 Home" at the upper right of that or the main page to get into your 360 space.

    STEP #2: Download your avatar to your computer

    Open a new window or tab. Download your avatar from the avatars site ( ). Click the "Export" link that's in the blue box on the right of the front page. Click the tiny "Download" link at the top left of the next page. Choose to download the JPEG full-size image of your avatar to your computer. See for more about downloading avatars.

    STEP #3: Upload the avatar image to your Yahoo! 360 personal profile picture module.

    Go back the window that has your 360 space displayed (or just go to your 360 space).

    - Click your "My Page" link at the top

    - Click "Edit Profile Photos" over the empty picture frame

    - Click "Browse" and upload photo into an empty field. Then click the "use as primary" radio button on the right of the full-size avatar image before saving.

    STEP #4: Choose to display the 360 image in the Y/A site.

    Come back to Yahoo! Answers. Make sure that you are logged in with the same ID in Y/A as in Y!360. Click the "My Profile" link to the upper right of this Yahoo! Answers page, then click "Edit My Info" in the top left box on the Answers profile page. Scroll down to the image section and check the option of showing the 360 picture. Click Preview and then the OK button. Then, WAIT.

    NOTE: The image may not show up right away in Y/A, as it sometimes take days (and for some weeks) for the system to catch up. So, in the meantime, you will be without any picture on Y/A (blank, grayed out, messed up...whatever you want to call it). Just go through the above process and let your picture stay that way until the system makes your 360 image appear. If you don't want to wait, then just use a Yahoo! Avatar ( ) and forget about using the 360 image feature.

    Also, some people never see an image show up. You can always post a bug report (or piggyback on other's bug reports) on the issue at the Y/A forum: . This link between Y/A and Y!360 has been buggy for years.

    BOTTOM LINE: You can put any JPEG image that you would like on Yahoo! Answers, as long as it fits under Yahoo! 360 specs (again, JPEG format and under 5MB in file size), doesn't violate Yahoo guidelines, and you don't have glitch going on with your Y/A or 360 profile. The above instructions tell you how to convert an animated avatar to a JPEG image that you can use on Y/A.

  3. click "my page" on 360, there u will c "personal pictures" above your pic's,  click that an it will take u to your pic upload window, to the right of any 4 of your browse uploads is the wording:  or upload my avetar, click that, and ur avetar should come up on it's own, then click save... now if u want the full body avetar, u have to go into the avetar section...
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