
38 weeks and 2 cm dialated?

by  |  earlier

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I am currently 38 weeks pregnant and am 2 cm as of today. This is my second pregnancy and am very uncomfortable. Do women with second pregnancy usually go into labour before due date? I am a little worried only cause I have to drive out of town this week a 2 hour drive each way and would not like to go into labour while driving. I only have to go this last time before baby is born and cannot be put off. I have been reading alot of stories that women with 2nd baby go earlier. Does being dialted mean anything really since i heard a woman can be dialted for weeks on end? any help out there and advice? thank alot.




  1. Unfortunately, you do risk going into labor while driving/going wherever you are going... you are close enough to your due date I'd say it's silly to have to go so far away. You really should ask your doctor though to be sure.

  2. ok this is what i would do if i were u..i wouldn't go out of town since you are 38 weeks pregnant...because every pregnancy is different, but go ahead and call ur doc and ask him/her what they think. most women who are dilated do not go into labor early....that i know of

  3. My advise is this.  If your doctor just checked you today and saw u r 2cm dilated, then I'd call him/her tomorrow and ask if you can stay home and rest, because, yes you are right, 2nd baby do go earlier and it is a fact that any woman can go into labor 2 weeks prior and 2 weeks after due date.  Traveling 2 hours each way at 38 weeks and with the baby weight it can really take a toll on you and your back.  Good Luck and God Bless

  4. I wouldn't go if i were you. Another bit to add to your decision making,  if you have your child 2 hours way your insurance may not cover it.   my cousin was not allowed more then 30 miles away from home in her last month or her insurance would NOT pay for the birth.  My plan states the same thing.

  5. The best I can tell you is that, of course every person and situation is unique.

    It is completely possible to stay dilated for weeks...with my daughter I was dilated 5cm for 4 weeks (prematurely)..and with this one i (also prematurely) have been dilated to 5cm for 3 weeks

    I would probably have a clear plan of what to do just in case you go into labor on this trip

  6. well someone could dialate but it could be for weeks before birth. driving for a distance can set you into labor just to let you know. but if you have to go then go and keep a cell phone on ya just incase. everytime i got into the car i started having contractions with my last one. but it did not put me into full labor they had to induce me for that.

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