
39 weeks and really depressed?

by Guest59247  |  earlier

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During my pregnancy I have been so happy and looking forward to being a first time mother. Now for the past week I am becoming more and more depressed. I am so over being pregnant. I cry all the time for no reason, I am so fussy and mean. I don't want to be around anyone. I am scared to tell my ob about the way that I am feeling because I feel as if she will take my baby from me when he is born because I no longer want to be pregnant does not mean I don't want my baby. Does this make any sense to anyone.




  1. Don't be afraid to talk to your dr,, that's what they are there for,, there are some anti depressants that you can start, so you don't get even more depressed after the birth. Post Pardum Depression is fairly common and can be treated. There's no reason for you to suffer alone. You might also try and find a theraphist to talk too,, that helps alot.

  2. Aww, it's okay. You're probably just ready to have your baby! There's no shame in wanting your pregnancy to be over so you can meet your baby, especially at 39 weeks. It's okay that you feel depressed--nobody can take your baby away for that. They'll probably just put you on medication for depression, if you still feel depressed after the baby is born. Don't worry, you're almost there! Good luck and congrats! :)

  3. talk to your doctor, they won't take your baby because of depression (there are meds for that). Don't worry, it'll be over soon

  4. no im with you on that one im 39 weeks aswell and i no longer want to be pregnant im over it..i want my baby out of me and in my arms..

  5. You do need to tell your OB how you are feeling.  She will not take your baby away from you.  Depression during pregnancy is normal.  You maybe at higher risk for postpartum depression.  You need to let your Dr know these things.  You are not a bad person for feeling the way you do.  

  6. I think almost every woman goes through this. There is a time when 9 months just seems like forever and you want it to be over with. As  soon as you have your baby you will feel so much better and it will all feel worth it. Its not that you dont want your baby anymore its that its just taking what feels like forever. It will be over soon i promis. You can tell your doctor that your ready for the pregnancy to be over with and i am sure he/she will say they have heard that a million times. Your not alone. Best of Luck

  7. speak to some1 about this, they wont take your baby, they will help you if you still feel this way after the birth and the sooner you get help the sooner you should feel better.

    Good luck

  8. i know how you feel! i'm 37 weeks along, and i can't wait for this to be over with. it's no wonder it's soo easy to get depressed in the last few weeks of pregnancy. your belly is huge, you can never get comfortable, sleep becomes less and less every night, our bodies literally push us to the limit when it comes to being pregnant! on top of all the physical pain we go through in the last few weeks, we constantly worry about labor, when it will start, how long it will be, and we worry about our babies too. sometimes i think just being so close to the end is enough to make you depressed! you are soo close, and you probablly wake up every day hoping you'll go into labor, and as the day passes and nothing happens, you are only disappointed. i would say that depression at this point in pregnancy is completley normal, i mean, look at all you have been through in the past nine months. of course at 39 weeks you are ready for it to be over with! most women at this point are so fed up with being pregnant that they will do anything to try and induce labor themselves! the good part is, it really will be over soon. you are 39 weeks, and it's literally just a matter of days before it will all be over and you'll finally have your baby. you're not alone! the last few weeks of pregnancy is enough to make anybody miserable. don't be afraid to talk to your doctor about how you are feeling, that's what they are there for, and they completley understand! at this point, just pamper yourself and get as much rest as you can. you deserve it!

    take care, congrats! things will get better soon!

  9. First of all, no one is going to take your baby from you. Secondly, what you're feeling is normal. The end of pregnancy sucks! A lot of women feel depressed and frustrated. Just remember, it's almost over. You will probably feel better after you deliver. If you don't, you need to talk to your doctor about postpartum depression.

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