
40 weeks, and confused!?

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I'm 40 weeks pregnant, and my doctor stripped my membranes yesterday. Today when I woke up, went to the bathroom I noticed a brown mucous discharge. Is that the plug? Does it mean labor is soon? I'm confused if I should call the doctor, or just wait until I'm getting contractions?!




  1. Don't bother to do anything until about an hour after contractions get truly painful - which is probably a good day or two away, even if you've dropped the mucus plug.

    You can tell the doctor, and he/she will nodd, smile, and tell you to wait.

    I know, waiting is HARD but it's what you have to do.

    You do NOT want to go into the hospital AT ALL EARLY!

  2. Should be the mucus plug. call your doctor and let him know so he is aware anything can happen and he can be ready.

    start getting your stuff together - you should not have long to wait.

    Good luck and congratulations

  3. The mucous plug looks like a big ball of snot that has blood veins running through it.  No lie, nasty I know.  Some women don't even notice losing theirs.  And even if you did that is no sign of labor.  Many women lose it for weeks before labor.  I lost it the day of going into labor.  My friend lost it for weeks, then she had to be induced.

    God Bless!

  4. Your mucous plug will look like a wad of snot with a bright red blood line streaked through it (I know, gross)...what you got was probably just a little aftermath of your membranes being stripped(a little 'old blood')  it happens and is nothing to be afraid of.  Don't ever second guess calling your dr. though, that is what they are their for :^)

  5. I'm not nearly as far on as you are, but from what I've read and heard, it sounds like the show (mucas plug) and your labour may start very soon. Call your doctor if your concerned, the last thing you want to do (especially if your hitting labour soon) is have unnecessary stress hanging over you. Good luck for you and your wee bundle x*x

  6. You should definitely call your doctor, that same exact thing happened to me and they ended up inducing me because I was bleeding. Call your doctor, better to be safe than sorry! Good luck! :)  

  7. That's your mucus plug and it means labor will be soon.  You should probably call your doctor just to see what he wants you to do.  My first baby I lost my "plug" (yuck) at 39 weeks and went 9 days over due.  But everybody is different.

  8. its teh mucous membrane and all it means is ur plug is now gone so ur baby can come out. if tyou not having contractions then your not in labor, which means no need to call your doctor or even be concerned.

  9. they say do not bother calling the doctor if you are full term just wait for the pains to come x x Good luck and hope you have your baby soon! x

  10. it could be soon. within a few days or maybe it's nothing. but i would go back to the doctor and get it checked out. i was told it means that your about to go into labour within a few hours or days. just watch for anything else. if your water breaks, then you better rush to the hospital. so what you found is one of the 1st steps of getting ready for baby. and congrats by the way. hope all goes well. and like i said, if your that worried, then go back to your obie.

  11. You can call the doc but it sounds like it might have been your mucas plug. At 40wks is your doc talking about inducing yet? Hang in there hopefully you will go into labor soon!

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